Great Lakes Protection Fund

Great Lakes Protection Fund
Due Date: Full Proposal: 
July 31, 2017

Letter of intent (full proposal by invitation).  The Great Lakes Protection Fund welcomes ideas for projects that will create and advance the next generation of actions to protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes. Our support is a little different than that of most funders. Our mission is big, our niche is relatively narrow, and the improvements we seek will have regional implications.  We do not have specific funding programs, nor do we have formal deadlines. We are always open to discussing ideas and we can be nimble (e.g., funding vehicles, timeframes) when an opportunity presents itself.  Think of us as an investor more than a charity. Many, but not all, of the investments we make are called grants, but they more closely resemble seed capital or angel investments. We will work with you to align your innovation with the funding instrument that will help your idea make a big difference. The Fund accepts sizable risks in the quest for outsized ecological reward.