As the state's Land Grant University, Oregon State University and their Agricultural Research Stations are a vital component of faculty research, focusing on one overarching goal -- to improve life for present and future generations of Oregonians. The Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center focuses on agriculture and natural resource research that directly impacts the Inter-mountain west. EOARC consists of 600 acres of farm ground in Union, Oregon, ~2000 acres of forested land located at Hall Ranch including 200 cows, 20-50 replacement heifers, and 80 steers kept to long yearlings. Researchers at EOARC focus their efforts in three primary areas: 1) forage crops and alternative livestock systems; 2) environmentally compatible livestock systems; and 3) restoration of wildland systems. The scientists at EOARC are working to develop agricultural and natural resource strategies to maintain or enhance intermountain forest and shrub steppe ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations. Another important role of the station is maintaining outreach programs throughout the Northwest. This role allows the scientists to spread the news about their research and to generate interest in new management practices. Additionally, active partnerships are maintained which increase the diversity and impact of station research.
Visit our "Faculty & Staff" and "EOARC Publications" pages to find out more about past, current, and ongoing research efforts.