Early Career Teacher Workshop - 2024


Greeting teachers! We are so excited for the 2024 Early Career Teacher Workshop (ECTW). The ECTW is held every February on OSU’s campus, and is an open invitation to all agricultural educators, forestry and natural resource educators, and other CTE educators, with zero to five years of teaching experience. The ECTW offers 8 Professional Development Units (PDUs) and is a place to support teachers early in the profession. You can expect to choose between several workshops that are applicable to your daily teaching and program management. If you have a workshop idea or would like to volunteer to lead a workshop, please don't hesitate to contact Josh.Stewart@oregonstate.edu.

We know teaching can be hard and we want you to know you're not alone!

Important details about the 2024 Early Career Teacher Workshop:

  • The schedule is still being developed, but ECTW will not begin until Friday afternoon at 4 pm and ECTW will conclude around 3 pm on Saturday.
  • Friday evening sessions will be held at Oregon State University. Saturday sessions will be held at Central High School in Independence, OR.
  • Continue to visit this website to get the most up-to-date information about the ECTW Schedule!

What: Early Career Teacher Workshop

When: February 9th (4 pm) and February 10, 2024 (8 am - approximately 3 pm)

Where: February 9 at Oregon State; February 10 at Central High School

Who: All agricultural educators, forestry and natural resource educators, and other CTE educators, with zero to five years of teaching experience

How much: $150

Registration is currently closed.

Day 1 Agenda

Friday, February 9, 2023

Location - Oregon State University

On Friday evening, you can expect a chance to get to know more about others in the profession through some networking activities. We also hope to offer a workshop on discovering your Clifton Strengths and how to leverage those in the profession.

Time:  4:00 pm  - Location:  Kidder Hall 350

Registration Opens

Time:  4:30 pm - 5:15 pm

Location:  Kidder Hall 350 (OSU)

  1. OSU welcome, Jonathan Velez
  2. OSU representative, Jose Uscanga
  3. ODE updates, Reynold Gardner

Dr. Reynold Gardner will provide the ODE updates and then jump into the 6 required elements of a CTE Program of Study.  The Alphabet Soup of ODE acronyms will be explored.  Attendees will be prepared for the respective renewal cycle for their CTE Program of Study (Ag June 2025, Nat Res / Forestry June 2027).   

As a teaser…here are the High Quality CTE Program of Study required six core elements: 1. Standards & Content, 2. Alignment & Articulation, 3. Accountability & Evaluation / Work Based Learning, 4. Student Support Services, 5. Professional Development, and Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. There will be an opportunity to ask your ODE questions to Reynold.

Time:  5:15 pm - 6:00 pm  Location:  Kidder Hall 350

Strengths Quest introduction, Wes Crawford

Time:  6:00 pm  – 6:45 pm | Dinner (taco bar) | Strand

Time:  6:45 pm - 8:00 pm  Location: Strand 260/262

Strengths Quest, Wes Crawford


Time Activity & Details Location
8:30 am  

Day 2 Welcome and logistics 

FFA welcome, Phil Ward

Group picture in Cafeteria

*Coffee will be available.  Breakfast on your own

Central High Cafeteria
9:15 - 10:15 am Breakout rooms (BoR) - ROTATION 1  

BoR: AET (Agricultural Experience Tracker) Basics


Room 6
  BoR 2: Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) Workshop Room 150
  BoR 5:  Tools and Tips for supporting SpEd students in your classroom Room 15
  10:15 - 10:30 am | Break/rotate room  
10:30 am - 11:30 am Breakout rooms (BoR) - ROTATION 2  
  BoR 3:  Future Natural Resource Leader (FNRL) Workshop Room 150
  BoR 7:  Agricultural Science Lab Activities workshop Room 152
  BoR 8:  Food, Agricultural Landscapes and the Development Conundrum Room 6

11:30 am - 12:30 pm | Lunch (Pizza and Salad)

Central High School Cafeteria

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Breakout rooms (BoR) - ROTATION 3  
  BoR 4, Shop/Greenhouse Tours and Q&A Meet in cafeteria
  BoR 6, Natural Resources and Environmental Science Lab Activites Workshop Room 152
  BoR 9, Sub Lesson Plans Room 6
1:45 pm Closing and PDU sharing Cafeteria











































Break Out Room (BoR) descriptions


BoR 1: AET (Agricultural Experience Tracker) Basics  MUST BRING YOUR OWN LAPTOP!

Brenda Phearson and Mike Wilson, Lebanon High School

Join us in learning how to set students up for success right from the start. We will cover the basics on profiles, how to set up your classes, journal entries, membership, and a few new tools that were added this year and hopefully have time to set up a project. Setting AET up correctly from day one is essential for your students' success!

BoR 2: Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) Workshop 

Rikki Heath

Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI)  is a state agency whose mission is to educate Oregonians about their forests.  OFRI has curriculum for teachers and materials and programs for students.  In this session, you will learn from the high school curriculum Inside Oregon’s Forests and learn about forestry programs and how to access free resources including funding for field trips.

BoR 3: Future Natural Resource Leader (FNRL) Workshop – 

Rex Lowther

A guided tour of all things FNRL!  This is an overview and Q&A about FNRL, including CDE’s, professional development with ONREA, and how to get involved.

BoR 4: Shop/Greenhouse Tours and Q&A 

Abby Chase and Lynn Thomas, Central High School-

Tour facilities and have an open Q&A/idea generation conversation with experienced ag educators. 

BoR 5- Tools and tips for supporting SpEd students in your classroom Note: please bring a computer/device 

Abby Chase and Lynn Thomas, Central High School

Come discuss and share strategies for supporting and engaging your students with IEPs, 504s, mobility needs, and more in this workshop! We will discuss modifications and accommodations for your shop, greenhouse, laboratory and classroom settings.

BoR 6- Natural Resources and Environmental Science Lab Activities Workshop

Joe Meyer, Tillamook Bay Community College

This workshop will give participants the opportunity to learn about and practice a variety of science-based lab activities in the area of natural resources and environmental sciences. These labs will include instructions and lab sheets that can be incorporated directly into classes. Additionally, we will discuss useful resources to find additional science based free to use activities online.


BoR 7- Agricultural Science Lab Activities Workshop

Joe Meyer, Tillamook Bay Community College

This workshop will give participants the opportunity to learn about and practice a variety of science-based lab activities related to agricultural sciences. These labs will include instructions and lab sheets that can be incorporated directly into classes. Additionally, we will discuss useful resources to find additional science based free to use activities online

BoR 8- Food, Agricultural Landscapes and the Development Conundrum

Brittney Capell, Ag in the Classroom

Explore the challenges of planning for development in Oregon while increasing food production to meet the demands of a growing population! Participants will discover how geography and climate influence the crops that are grown and brainstorm creative solutions to plan for population growth through the use of a topography map and real population data. Leave this workshop with ready-to-use curriculum for your classroom! 

BoR 9- Sub Lesson Plans

Nicole Bambino, Derek Burbank

Learn about how to effectively plan for a substitute teacher to manage your classroom while you’re gone.


  1. What time will we start and end? Do I need to get a sub for Friday? ECTW will begin at 4 pm on Friday and we will conclude around 3 pm on Saturday.
  2. Where can I stay during ECTW? We will have a block of hotel rooms you can reserve on your own in Corvallis. Information was emailed to registrants.
  3. When does registration close? Registration will close one week before ECTW.
  4. What if I need to cancel my registration? A full refund will be given for all cancelations prior to February 2, 2024. If you need to cancel your registration, please email ag.education@oregonstate.edu with the subject line "Canceling my ECTW registration. "

Location Logistics, OSU


Addresses and OSU Parking Links

Kidder Hall (Kidd) - 2000 SW Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331

Reser Stadium - 660 SW 26th St, Corvallis, OR 97331

Campus map

Picture of Parking Map - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jvy4BG-I8zYfKHTGJq7wlD8GzGRrVGXG/view?usp=sharing 

Daily Passes - https://transportation.oregonstate.edu/parking/visitors

Friday Parking 

There is no free parking on campus until after 5pm! You can park on the street, if available, OR you may park at other pay-to-park locations on campus (such as Reser Stadium). There is one A2 parking lot by Johnson Hall. You can view the Picture of Parking Map provided by the university for more details about where to park on Friday.  If you wish to order a daily parking pass, you may do so.

Wifi: OSU Visitor


Location Logistics, Central High School

Addresses to Central High School

1530 Monmouth St, Independence, OR 97351

Parking: Enter from Monmouth Street or Gun Club Road