Wolpert and Ciuffetti named APS Fellows
Tom Wolpert and Lynda Ciuffetti have both been named Fellows of the American Phytopathological Society, one of the highest awards bestowed by that Society. This honor is the result of career long efforts studying mechanisms of host/pathogen interactions.
Using different systems and running different labs, both Lynda and Tom chose to pursue studies of particularly difficult systems that were of potentially high significance. Their dogged and meticulous studies over the years have resulted in major steps forward in our understanding of the mechanisms of host/pathogen interactions. They both have also been recognized for their exceptional mentoring of those working in their respective labs.
Ball named fellow of Western Society of Weed Science
Dr. Dan Ball, Professor of Weed Science at Oregon State University and located at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center near Pendleton, Oregon has been named a fellow of the Western Society of Weed Science. He has been at the Center for more than 20 years, with research and Extension responsibilities for weed management in dryland crops, and more recently, with weed management in grass seed production in eastern Oregon and Washington.
In the WSWS, Dan has served as Research Section Chair, Education and Regulatory Section Chair, President-elect, and President. He is currently serving as immediate Past-President for the WSWS. In addition, he has served on the Resistance Management Committee, Weeds of the West Revision Committee, Student Paper Judging Committee, and Alternative Weed Control Methods Committee
Through his career to date, Dr. Ball has authored or co-authored more than 60 refereed articles and extension bulletins, numerous abstracts and special reports pertaining to weed management issues in the Pacific Northwest. He also has made over 80 presentations as an invited speaker or contributor at the WSWS meeting and other weed science related professional meetings and has made more than 200 extension presentations.
Dolja receives Ruth Allen Award from American Phytopathological Society
Dr. Valerian Dolja will receive the 2011 Ruth Allen Award from the American Phytopathological Society. This Award honors those "who have made an outstanding, innovative research contribution that has changed, or has the potential to change, the direction of research in any field of plant pathology".
This prestigious award is conferred on a single individual annually, with an impressive list of past recipients that include H.H. Flor, J.E. Vanderplank, Steve Lindow, Jim Cook, Roger Beachy, Noel Keen, and our own Jim Carrington. Valerian in being honored for his first-class work on the molecular biology of potyviruses and closterovirues, including genome structure and function, particle structure, replication, movement, host-cell interactions, and defense suppression. This work also has spilled over into highly innovative and landmark studies of organelle trafficking in plant cells.