Palouse Mosaic, 2007-11

Embroidered, relief prints. Each book is 2’ x 2’, come and go bindings, 15 books total.
Mare Blocker
2’ x 2’

“The ever changing landscape of the Palouse has enchanted me. With each season colors shift; what was once a square of green transforms to a circle of yellow, transforms to a square of brown and back to green again. We draw on the earth with our actions, the landscape our living canvas. We impose a grid on her curves. We scratch lines on her surface, some intentionally, some not so intentionally, many of them permanently transforming her skin with a sort of ritual scarification. Our actions have a beauty, sometimes a cruel beauty, but a beauty nonetheless.

“The Palouse Mosaic is an installation of numerous individual books, which map our activity. The individual pages are relief printed, each pages has passed through the press multiple times, creating a layering of image and impression. Individual squares are hand stitched together, suturing the landscape into a grid and fencing one square from the other at the same time. This process mimics our actions on the land."


Mare Blocker

