Congratulations Andony Melathoupoulos! We are pleased to announce that a project led by you was nominated for an Outreach and Engagement Award for Excellence by Gail Longellotto. The Oregon Bee Project was selected as one of only 10 awards to receive recognition in 2018.
The Division of University Outreach and Engagement recognizes outstanding projects that significantly advance the mission of outreach and engagement across the university and throughout Oregon. Awards will be presented at the Vice Provost Awards for Excellence event on May 14, 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the OSU Memorial Union Ballroom. Details about your participation in the event will be forthcoming from Ann Marie Murphy.
Your award includes $1,000 provided as OSU funds in a Services & Supplies index to be used in Fiscal Year 2019, beginning July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. You will be notified in an email from Jackie Russell of the index number and activity code to use for expenditures of these funds by July 1, 2018.
We appreciate your exceptional outreach and engagement work on behalf of Oregon State University and look forward to celebrating your work.
A. Scott Reed | Vice Provost, University Outreach and Engagement | Director, OSU Extension Service
Oregon State University
101 Ballard Extension Hall