As part of a U.S. Foreign Agricultural Services (FAS) grant, Dr. Dave Stone traveled to Senegal and Nigeria in June. The project, entitled Strengthening Food Safety Systems in West Africa, is a joint effort between FAS, Oregon State University and the University of Missouri. Dr. Stone met with government officials and toured labs in Dakar, Senegal and Abuja, Nigeria. In Senegal, the project focused on the valuable groundnut sector by identifying health risks in the value chain and food safety capacity gaps, particularly for mycotoxins and pesticides. In Nigeria, the project supports the passage of a national food safety bill and addresses needs in risk assessment, traceability and pesticide education. Based on stakeholder input, a series of technical trainings and resources were identified for future engagement. The anticipated outcomes are for a safer and secure domestic food supply, as well as a science-based framework to facilitate international trade. Additional technical expertise on this project from OSU in microbiology and food safety is provided by Dr. Joy Waite-Cusic and Dr. Jovana Kovacevic.
(Photo: Members of Senegal’s Ministry of Agriculture with people from the U.S. Foreign Ag Service. )