Evaluation of Late-Season Bactericide Applications to Reduce Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae on Harvested Carrot Seed
Series/Report Number: COARC2014
Series/Report Number: COARC2014
Series/Report Number: COARC2014
Series/Report Number: COARC2014
Series/Report Number: COARC2015
Series/Report Number: COARC2015
Abstract: Field plots were established to evaluate the efficacy of late-season applications of ManKocide for the suppression of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae (Xhc) on harvested carrot seed. Two ManKocide applications were made in mid to late August 2014 in each of two fields, and harvested seed from the plots was assayed by plating dilutions of seed washes onto a semi-selective agar medium. Late season applications of ManKocide did not significantly reduce Xhc populations on harvested seed in this study.
Series/Report Number: COARC2015
Series/Report Number: COARC2016
Series/Report Number: COARC2016
Abstract: To insure honey bee safety during crop pollination, potential new products were screened for bee repellency. This research was conducted in a carrot steckling field at the Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center (COARC). Bee visits were counted beginning one day after bees were brought into the field and continued for a total of four counts. There was no statistical difference between treated and untreated plots, indicating no detrimental effect on bee activity from these products.
Series/Report Number: COARC2016
Abstract: Weed resistance to ongoing use of Lorox in carrots grown for seed is a concern to industry representatives and growers. This project was established to evaluate two new products compared to current industry standard treatments. Spartan (sulfentrazone) is used in peppermint production and there is local knowledge about the spectrum of weed that it is effective on. Results from a directed spray application at layby indicate that it may provide a good fit in carrot seed production.