Abstract | The major portion of Pacific whiting (PW) is commercialized in the form of frozen surimi. Alternative products for PW were investigated focusing on fresh surimi and texturized meat from PW mince. Fresh surimi is made without additives and kept refrigerated instead of frozen. Texturized meat is a meat-like product made from PW mince through freeze-texturization. Fresh surimi was stored at 5ʻC and analyzed for its total aerobic plate count (APC), shear stress, shear strain, and color during 7 days storage. Frozen surimi from PW was prepared with 0, 3, 6, and 9% cryoprotectants and was compared with fresh surimi for its gel forming ability. Fresh surimi had a shelf life of 5 days and the gel forming ability remained unchanged throughout storage time. Shear strain of fresh surimi was not different from frozen surimi with 9% cryoprotectants but shear stress was almost 3 times higher than the frozen one. Texturized meat from PW mince was prepared from unwashed or 1-washed mince kept frozen for 6-8 mo with or without the addition of 6% cryoprotectants. The minces were comminuted into a protein slurry, formed into patties, and frozen at -7, -18, and -50ʻC. The evaluations of ice formation (by microscopic study), hardness, cook loss, color, and water holding capacity were carried out during 20 days storage. The results showed that texturized meat with parallel layers was made from 1-washed PW mince. Unwashed PW mince created a sponge-like texture and had rapid quality deterioration, thus it is not recommended for this product. Cryoprotectants did not significantly affect the texture formation of the product and are not required to store mince as raw material for the texturized meat. The optimum freeze-texturized temperature for this product was -18ʻC or lower because it minimized quality changes during storage depending on the desirable texture. The lower the temperature (higher freezing rate), the finer the layers created. |