EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Growth, Plant Water Relations and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.)

TitleEOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Growth, Plant Water Relations and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsMc Innis, M, Miller, RF, Rose, JA, Svejcar, T
InstitutionOregon Agricultural Experiment Station
Report Number923
Keywordscarbon allocation, heart-podded hoary cress, plant water relation
ContentsEOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Growth, Plant Water Relations and Carbon Allocation of Heart-Podded Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.) carbon allocation heart-podded hoary cress plant water relation McInnis, M. L. Miller, R.F. Rose, J. A. Sv