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V. D. Zheljazkov, Astatkie, T., O'Brocki, B., and Jeliazkova, E. A., Essential oil composition and yield of anise from different distillation times, HortScience, vol. 48, no. 11, 2013.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., Buehring, N., and Astatkie, T., Oil Content and Saturated Fatty Acids in Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) as a Function of Planting Date, N Rate and Hybrid, Agron J, vol. 101, pp. 1003-1011, 2009.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., and Astatkie, T., Study on Japanese Cornmint in Mississippi, Agronomy Journal, vol. 102, no. 2, p. 696, 2010.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Donega, M. Augusto, Astatkie, T., and Heidel, B., Podophyllotoxin Concentration in Junipers in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 1696-1697, 2012.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Craker, L. E., and Xing, B., Effects of Cd, Pb, and Cu on growth and essential oil contents in dill, peppermint, and basil, Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 58, no. 1-3, pp. 9 - 16, 2006.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Nielsen, N. E., Studies on the effect of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Fe) upon the growth, productivity and quality of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) production, J. Essent. Oil Res., vol. 8, pp. 259-274, 1996.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Silva, J. L., Patel, M., Stojanovic, J., Lu, Y., T, K., and Horgan, T., Human Hair as Nutrient Source for Horticultural Crops, HortTechnology, vol. 18, pp. 592-596, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Yankov, B., and Topalov, V., Effect of Mechanical and Chemical Weed Control on the Growth, Development and Productivity of Mentha piperita and M. arvensis var. piperascens Grown for Planting Material, Journal of Essential Oil Research, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 171 - 176, 1996.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Yankov, B., and Topalov, V., Development and Productivity of Mentha piperita and M. arvensis var. piperascens Grown for Planting Material, J. Essent. Oil. Res, 1996.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Astatkie, T., Effect of plant species and benomyl on lead concentration and removal from lead-enriched soil, HortScience, vol. 46, no. 12, 2011.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Astatkie, T., and Jeliazkova, E. A., Drying and Shade Effects on Spearmint Oil Yields and Composition , HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 306-310, 2014.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Jeliazkova, E. A., Craker, L. E., Kovathceva, N., Stanev, S., and Margina, A., Heavy metal uptake by mint, Acta Hort. , vol. 500, pp. 111-117, 1999.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Callahan, A., and Cantrell, C. L., Yield and oil composition of thirty-eight basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) accessions grown in Mississippi, J. Agric. Food Chem. , vol. 56, pp. 241-245, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Zhalnov, I., Effect of Herbicides On Yield and Quality of Coriandrum sativum L., Journal of Essential Oil Research, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 633 - 639, 1995.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Ebelhar, W., Rowe, D., and Coker, C., Productivity, oil content, and oil composition of sweet basil as a function of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization, HortScience, vol. 43, no. 5, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Astatkie, T., Jeliazkova, E. A., and Schlegel, V., Distillation time alters essential oil yield, composition, and antioxidant activity of male Juniperus Scopulorum trees, Journal of Oleo Science, vol. 61, pp. 537-546, 2012.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Astatkie, T., and M. Ebelhar, W., Productivity, Oil Content and Composition of Two Spearmint Species in Mississippi, Agron J, vol. 102, pp. 129-133, 2010.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Warman, P. R., Comparison of Three Digestion Methods For the Recovery of 17 Plant Essential Nutrients And Trace Elements from Six Composts, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 197 - 203, 2002.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., Baldwin, B. S., Buehring, N., Coker, C., Astatkie, T., and Johnson, B., Oil productivity and composition of sunflower as a function of hybrid and planting date, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 537 - 543, 2011.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Assessment of wool-waste and hair-waste as soil amendment and nutrient source, J. Environ. Qual., vol. 34, pp. 2310-2317, 2005.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Callahan, A., and Cantrell, C. L., Yield and Oil Composition of 38 Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Accessions Grown in Mississippi, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 241 - 245, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Topalov, V., Yankov, B., Terziev, J., and Dimitrov, I., Changes in the quality of Mentha rhizome as depending on the time of overground mass harvesting and the method of weed control, Higher Institute of Agriculture – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. 37, pp. 239-247, 1992.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Warman, P. R., Comparison of three digestion methods for the recovery of 17 plant essential nutrients and trace elements from six composts, Compost Sci. and Util., vol. 10, pp. 197-203, 2002.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Astatkie, T., and M. Ebelhar, W., Productivity, Oil Content, and Composition of Two Spearmint Species in Mississippi, Agronomy Journal, vol. 102, no. 1, p. 129, 2010.