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M. D. Madsen, Petersen, S. L., Fernelius, K. J., Roundy, B. A., Taylor, A. G., and Hopkins, B. G., Influence of Soil Water Repellency on Seedling Emergence and Plant Survival in a Burned Semi-Arid Woodland, Arid Land Research and Management, vol. 265154572315723887271123151912312311012017548347426383592731, no. 3, pp. 236 - 249, 2012.
J. D. Bates, Davies, K. W., Hulet, A., Miller, R. F., and Roundy, B. A., Sage Grouse Groceries: Forb Response to Piñon-Juniper Treatments, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 106 - 115, 2017.
M. I. JD, Brunson, M., Bunting, S. C., Chambers, J., Devoe, N., Doescher, P. S., Grace, J., Johnson, D. D., Knick, S., Miller, R., Pellant, M. L., Pierson, F. B., Pyke, D., Rollins, K. S., Roundy, B. A., Schupp, G., Tausch, R. J., and Turner, D., SageSTEP: A Regional Experiment to Evaluate Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments in the Sagebrush Biome, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Collins, CO, RMRS-GTR-237, 2010.
M. D. Madsen, Zvirzdin, D. L., Petersen, S. L., Hopkins, B. G., Roundy, B. A., and Chandler, D. G., Soil Water Repellency within a Burned Piñon–Juniper Woodland: Spatial Distribution, Severity, and Ecohydrologic Implications, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 75, no. 4, p. 1543, 2011.
M. D. Madsen, Zvirzdin, D. L., Roundy, B. A., and Kostka, S. J., “Sustainability: Contributions from Formulation Technology”: Improving Reseeding Success after Catastrophic Wildfire with Surfactant Seed Coating Technology, vol. 33. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2014, pp. 44 - 55.
J. McIver, Brunson, M., Bunting, S. C., Chambers, J., Doescher, P. S., Grace, J., Hulet, A., Johnson, D., Knick, S., Miller, R. F., Pellant, M. L., Pierson, F. B., Pyke, D., Rau, B. M., Rollins, K. S., Roundy, B. A., Schupp, E. W., Tausch, R. J., and Williams, J., A Synopsis of Short-Term Response to Alternative Restoration Treatments in Sagebrush-Steppe: The SageSTEP Project, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 584 - 598, 2014.