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“A structural switch between agonist and antagonist bound conformations for a ligand-optimized model of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand binding domain”, Biology, vol. 3, pp. 645–669, 2014.
, “A Structural Switch between Agonist and Antagonist Bound Conformations for a Ligand-Optimized Model of the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligand Binding Domain.”, Biology (Basel), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 645-69, 2014.
, “Suppression of cytokine-mediated complement factor gene expression through selective activation of the Ah receptor with 3′, 4′-dimethoxy-$\alpha$-naphthoflavone”, Molecular pharmacology, vol. 79, pp. 508–519, 2011.