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Journal Article
P. L. Kennedy, Bartuszevige, A. M., Houle, M., Humphrey, A. B., Dugger, K. M., and Williams, J. D., Stable occupancy by breeding hawks ( Buteo spp.) over 25 years on a privately managed bunchgrass prairie in northeastern Oregon, USA, The Condor, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 435 - 445, 2014.
A. M. Bartuszevige, Kennedy, P. L., and Taylor, R. V., Sixty-Seven Years of Landscape Change in the Last, Large Remnant of the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie, Natural Areas Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 166 - 170, 2012.
P. L. Kennedy, DeBano, S. J., Bartuszevige, A. M., and Lueders, A. S., Effects of Native and Non-Native Grassland Plant Communities on Breeding Passerine Birds: Implications for Restoration of Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie, Restoration Ecology, vol. 17202692191183626821236612332702610631107151072124691201938149642955231444326767302051081071914463270, no. 4Suppl, pp. 515 - 525, 2009.
A. M. Bartuszevige and Endress, B. A., Do ungulates facilitate native and exotic plant spread?: Seed dispersal by cattle, elk and deer in northeastern Oregon, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 72, pp. 904–913, 2008.
A. M. Bartuszevige and Endress, B. A., Do ungulates facilitate native and exotic plant spread?, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 904 - 913, 2008.
J. Willms, Bartuszevige, A. M., Schwilk, D. W., and Kennedy, P. L., Do thin and thin+burn treatments have similar effects on forest understory species as prescribed burning treatments?, For Ecol. & Manage (to be submitted 01/2015).
C. Wongsriphuek, Dugger, B. D., and Bartuszevige, A. M., Dispersal of wetland plant seeds by mallards: Influence of gut passage on recovery, retention, and germination, Wetlands, vol. 28682361311933523191768231555711547609092237126546613104873951221561504251395, no. 2, pp. 290 - 299, 2008.
A. M. Bartuszevige and Gorchov, D. L., Avian Seed Dispersal of an Invasive Shrub, Biological Invasions, vol. 8150131471101429916614494410691311837911314554133164673138101814013958751396212887511163611299189752284161221191211314, no. 5Supplement, pp. 1013 - 1022, 2006.