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“Tap water isotope ratios reflect urban water system structure and dynamics across a semiarid metropolitan area”, Water Resources Research, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 5891 - 5910, 2016.
, “Tap water isotope ratios reflect urban water system structure and dynamics across a semiarid metropolitan area”, Water Resources Research, 2015.
, “Tactile interaction with taste localization: influence of gustatory quality and intensity”, Chemical senses, vol. 33, pp. 137–143, 2007.
, “A Systems Approach for Management of Pests and Pathogens of Nursery Crops”, Plant Disease, vol. 96, no. 9, pp. 1236 - 1244, 2012.
, “Systematic developmental neurotoxicity assessment of a representative PAH Superfund mixture using zebrafish.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 354, pp. 115-125, 2018.
, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-c] pyrimidine and benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-a] pyrazine derivatives as anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 1303–1312, 2014.
, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-c] pyrimidine and benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-a] pyrazine derivatives as anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 1303–1312, 2014.
, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-c] pyrimidine and benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-a] pyrazine derivatives as anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors”, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 1303–1312, 2014.
, “A Synopsis of Short-Term Response to Alternative Restoration Treatments in Sagebrush-Steppe: The SageSTEP Project”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 584 - 598, 2014.
, “Synergistic Toxicity Produced by Mixtures of Biocompatible Gold Nanoparticles and Widely Used Surfactants.”, ACS Nano, 2018.
, “‘Sweet Sunrise’Strawberry”, HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 1088–1092, 2014.
, “’Sweet Sunrise’ strawberry”, HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 1088-1092, 2014.
, “Sustainable Biochar-Based Practices in Viticulture: Effects on Soil Functions, Plant Physiology and Productivity, and Grapes and Wine Quality”, Scientia Horticulturae, Submitted.
, “Sustainability of a non-timber forest product: effects of alternative leaf harvest practices over 6 years on yield and demography of the palm Chamaedorea radicalis”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 234, pp. 181–191, 2006.
, “Sustainability of a non-timber forest product: Effects of alternative leaf harvest practices over 6 years on yield and demography of the palm Chamaedorea radicalis”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 234, no. 1-3, pp. 181 - 191, 2006.
, “Suspended sediment and turbidity after road construction/improvement and forest harvest in streams of the Trask River Watershed Study, Oregon”, Water Resources Research, 2017.
, “Suspect Screening of Hydrocarbon Surfactants in AFFFs and AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 53, no. 14, pp. 8068 - 8077, 2019.
, “Survey of hazelnut germplasm from Russia and Crimea for response to eastern filbert blight”, HortScience, vol. 42, pp. 51-56, 2007.
, “Surf-n-Turf, but the Sustainable Kind? The Limits and Potential of Market-Driven Regulation in Food Production”, Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 5, pp. 303-340, 2015.
, “Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Traditionally Irrigated Fields in Northern New Mexico, U.S.A.”, Water, vol. 923, no. 2, p. 102, 2017.
, “Supplementation Levels and Monensin Effects on Performance of Early Weaned Calves Grazing Bahiagrass Pastures.”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. supplement1, p. 26, 2016.
, “Supplemental Choline for Prevention and Alleviation of Fatty Liver in Dairy Cattle”, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 90, no. 5, pp. 2413 - 2418, 2007.
, “Substrate concentration constraints on microbial decomposition ”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 14, 2014.
, “Substrate concentration and enzyme allocation can affect rates of microbial decomposition ”, Ecology, vol. 54, 2011.
, “Sub-lethal effects of Beauveria basiana (Balsamo) on field populations of the potato tuberworm Phthorimae operculella Zeller in China”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018.