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Journal Article
A. E. Garay, Elias, S., and Nott, H., How to prepare a master calibration sample: Procedure and applications using tall fescue as a model, Seed Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 179-188, 2009.
P. Williams, Whitfield, M., Biggs, J., Fox, G., Nicolet, P., Shillabeer, N., Sherratt, T., Heneghan, P., Jepson, P., and Maund, S., How realistic are outdoor microcosms? A comparison of the biota of microcosms and natural ponds., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 143-50, 2002.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., Lane, J. W., Uribe, H. C., Arumí, J. Luis, and Selker, J., Hillslope run-off thresholds with shrink–swell clay soils, Hydrological Processes, vol. 29, pp. 557–571, 2015.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Nelson, D., and Clark, K., High velocity electron-beam radiation of pollen and comb for the control of Paenibacillus larvae subspecies larvae and Ascosphaera apis, American Bee Journal, vol. 144, pp. 714-720, 2003.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Zhalnov, I., and Nedkov, N. K., Herbicides for weed control in blessed thistle (Silybum marianum), Weed Technology, vol. 20, pp. 1030-1034, 2006.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Zhalnov, I., and Nedkov, N. K., Herbicides for Weed Control in Blessed Thistle (Silybum Marianum), Weed Technology, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1030 - 1034, 2006.
W. K. Vencill, Nichols, R. L., Webster, T. M., Soteres, J. K., Mallory-Smith, C., Burgos, N. R., Johnson, W. G., and McClelland, M. R., Herbicide Resistance: Toward an Understanding of Resistance Development and the Impact of Herbicide-Resistant Crops, Weed Science, vol. 60, no. SP1, pp. 2 - 30, 2012.
B. A. Endress, Parks, C. G., Naylor, B. J., and Radosevich, S. R., Herbicide and Native Grass Seeding Effects on Sulfur Cinquefoil (Potentilla Recta)-Infested GrasslandsAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 18456, no. 01, pp. 50 - 58, 2008.
B. A. Endress, Parks, C. G., Naylor, B. J., and Radosevich, S. R., Herbicide and native grass seeding effects on sulfur cinquefoil (Potentilla recta)-infested grasslands, 2009.
Y. Kang, Nian, H., Rajendran, P., Kim, E., Dashwood, W. M., Pinto, J. T., Boardman, L. A., Thibodeau, S. N., Limburg, P. J., Löhr, C. V., and Bisson, W. H., HDAC8 and STAT3 repress BMF gene activity in colon cancer cells, Cell death & disease, vol. 5, p. e1476, 2014.
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T. L. Evans, Mata-González, R., Martin, D. W., McLendon, T., and Noller, J. S., Growth, water productivity, and biomass allocation of Great Basin plants as affected by summer watering, Ecohydrology, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 713 - 721, 2013.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Nielsen, N. E., Growing Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea L.) in Heavy Metal Polluted Areas, Acta Hort. , vol. 426, pp. 309-328, 1996.
V. D. Zheljazkov and Nielsen, N. E., GROWING CLARY SAGE (SALVIA SCLAREA L.) IN HEAVY METAL - POLLUTED AREAS, Acta Horticulturae, no. 426, pp. 309 - 328, 1996.
C. Porqueddu, ATES, S., Louhaichi, M., Kyriazopoulos, A. P., Moreno, G., del Pozo, A., Ovalle, C., Ewing, M. A., and Nichols, P. G. H., Grasslands in ‘Old World’ and ‘New World’ Mediterranean-climate zones: past trends, current status and future research priorities, Grass and Forage Science, no. 11, pp. 1 - 35, 2016.
B. A. Endress, Parks, C. G., Naylor, B. J., Radosevich, S. R., and Porter, M., Grassland Response to Herbicides and Seeding of Native Grasses 6 Years PosttreatmentAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 52432, no. 03, pp. 311 - 316, 2012.
B. A. Endress, Parks, C. G., Naylor, B. J., Radosevich, S. R., and Porter, M., Grassland response to herbicides and seeding of native grasses 6 years posttreatment, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 5, pp. 311–316, 2012.
J. Ni, Pujar, A., Youens-Clark, K., Yap, I., Jaiswal, P., Tecle, I., Tung, C. - W., Ren, L., Spooner, W., Wei, X., Avraham, S., Ware, D., Stein, L., and McCouch, S., Gramene QTL database: development, content and applications., Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2009, p. bap005, 2009.
P. Jaiswal, Ware, D., Ni, J., Chang, K., Zhao, W., Schmidt, S., Pan, X., Clark, K., Teytelman, L., Cartinhour, S., Stein, L., and McCouch, S., Gramene: development and integration of trait and gene ontologies for rice., Comparative and functional genomics, vol. 3, pp. 132-6, 2002.
P. Gupta, Naithani, S., Tello-Ruiz, M. Karey, Chougule, K., D’Eustachio, P., Fabregat, A., Jiao, Y., Keays, M., Lee, Y. Koung, Kumari, S., Mulvaney, J., Olson, A., Preece, J., Stein, J., Wei, S., Weiser, J., Huerta, L., Petryszak, R., Kersey, P., Stein, L. D., Ware, D., and Jaiswal, P., Gramene Database: Navigating Plant Comparative Genomics Resources., Current plant biology, vol. 7-8, pp. 10-15, 2016.
D. H. Ware, Jaiswal, P., Ni, J., Yap, I. V., Pan, X., Clark, K. Y., Teytelman, L., Schmidt, S. C., Zhao, W., Chang, K., Cartinhour, S., Stein, L. D., and McCouch, S. R., Gramene, a tool for grass genomics., Plant physiology, vol. 130, pp. 1606-13, 2002.
D. Ware, Jaiswal, P., Ni, J., Pan, X., Chang, K., Clark, K., Teytelman, L., Schmidt, S., Zhao, W., Cartinhour, S., McCouch, S., and Stein, L., Gramene: a resource for comparative grass genomics., Nucleic acids research, vol. 30, pp. 103-5, 2002.
C. Liang, Jaiswal, P., Hebbard, C., Avraham, S., Buckler, E. S., Casstevens, T., Hurwitz, B., McCouch, S., Ni, J., Pujar, A., Ravenscroft, D., Ren, L., Spooner, W., Tecle, I., Thomason, J., Tung, C. - W., Wei, X., Yap, I., Youens-Clark, K., Ware, D., and Stein, L., Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D947-53, 2008.
P. Jaiswal, Ni, J., Yap, I., Ware, D., Spooner, W., Youens-Clark, K., Ren, L., Liang, C., Zhao, W., Ratnapu, K., Faga, B., Canaran, P., Fogleman, M., Hebbard, C., Avraham, S., Schmidt, S., Casstevens, T. M., Buckler, E. S., Stein, L., and McCouch, S., Gramene: a bird’s eye view of cereal genomes., Nucleic acids research, vol. 34, pp. D717-23, 2006.
M. K. Tello-Ruiz, Naithani, S., Stein, J. C., Gupta, P., Campbell, M., Olson, A., Wei, S., Preece, J., Geniza, M. J., Jiao, Y., Lee, Y. Koung, Wang, B., Mulvaney, J., Chougule, K., Elser, J., Al-Bader, N., Kumari, S., Thomason, J., Kumar, V., Bolser, D. M., Naamati, G., Tapanari, E., Fonseca, N., Huerta, L., Iqbal, H., Keays, M., Fuentes, A. Munoz- Pome, Tang, A., Fabregat, A., D’Eustachio, P., Weiser, J., Stein, L. D., Petryszak, R., Papatheodorou, I., Kersey, P. J., Lockhart, P., Taylor, C., Jaiswal, P., and Ware, D., Gramene 2018: unifying comparative genomics and pathway resources for plant research., Nucleic acids research, vol. 46, pp. D1181-D1189, 2018.