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“Reducing Exotic Annual Grass Competition did not Improve Shrub Restoration Success During a Drought”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 85, pp. 9 - 14, 2022.
, “Re-Introducing Fire in Sagebrush Steppe Experiencing Decreased Fire Frequency: Does Burning Promote Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity?”, Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 29, pp. 686-695, 2020.
, “Microsite and herbaceous vegetation heterogeneity after burning Artemisia tridentata steppe”, Oecologia, vol. 159122139585177129615969604869940702647618237768174621355143324415112677562527080593550, no. 3, pp. 597 - 606, 2009.
, “Spring-Applied Treatments Offer Another Window of Opportunity for Revegetation of Annual Grass−Invaded Rangelands”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 93, pp. 104 - 111, 2024.
, “Restoring the Sagebrush Component in Crested Wheatgrass–Dominated Communities”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 472 - 478, 2013.
, “Estimating Juniper Cover From National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) Imagery and Evaluating Relationships Between Potential Cover and Environmental Variables”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 630 - 637, 2010.
, “Activated Carbon Seed Technologies: Innovative Solutions to Assist in the Restoration and Revegetation of Invaded Drylands”, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 371, 2024.
, “Using Postfire Spatial Variability to Improve Restoration Success with Seeded Bitterbrush”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 83, pp. 117 - 123, 2022.
, “Prescribed Summer Fire and Seeding Applied to Restore Juniper- Encroached and Exotic Annual Grass-Invaded Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 635-639, 2019.
, “Longer-Term Evaluation of Revegetation of Medusahead-Invaded Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 292 - 297, 2018.
, “Seeding Locally Sourced Native Compared to Introduced Bunchgrasses Post-Wildfire in Frigid Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities”, Restoration Ecology, vol. 29, no. 5, p. e13397, 2021.
, “Restoration of Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe Following Prescribed Burning to Control Western Juniper”, Environmental Management, vol. 531434275847782239473281657616314466229105585553602910656423037, no. 5, pp. 1015 - 1022, 2014.
, “Restoration of Exotic Annual Grass-Invaded Rangelands: Importance of Seed Mix CompositionAbstract”, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 710119100215280, no. 02, pp. 247 - 256, 2014.
, “Dryland restoration needs suggest a role for introduced plants”, Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 53, p. e03005, 2024.
, “Effects of Using Winter Grazing as a Fuel Treatment on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Communities”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 179 - 184, 2016.
, “Off-Season Grazing Reduces Exotic Annual Grasses and Increases a Native Bunchgrass”, Oregon Cattleman, no. March, pp. 30-33, 2022.
, “Short-term Effects of Burning Wyoming Big Sagebrush Steppe in Southeast Oregon”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 515 - 522, 2007.
, “Interim medusahead management guide for the Intermountain West”, EOARC Technical Repoert, 2010.
, “Grazing Is Not Binomial (i.e., Grazed or Not Grazed): A Reply to Herman”, BioScience, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 6-7, 2020.
, “Grazing Management to Reduce Wildfire Risk in Invasive Annual Grass Prone Sagebrush Communities”, Rangelands, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 194 - 199, 2022.
, “Vegetation Response to Mowing Dense Mountain Big Sagebrush Stands”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 268 - 276, 2012.
, “Medusahead Invasion Along Unimproved Roads, Animal Trails, and Random Transects”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 54 - 59, 2013.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Reestablishing Perennial-Dominated Plant Communities in Medusahead-Invaded Sagebrush Rangeland”, USDA-FS, 2015.
, “Fall and Spring Grazing Influence Fire Ignitability and Initial Spread in Shrub Steppe Communities”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 485, 2017.
, “Is fire exclusion in mountain big sagebrush communities prudent? Soil nutrient, plant diversity and arthropod response to burning”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 417, 2014.