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“Integrated Omics Analysis of Pathogenic Host Responses during Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Infection: The Crucial Role of Lipid Metabolism”, Cell Host & Microbe, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 254 - 266, 2016.
, “Interactions between fire, grazing and climate change at Wind Cave National Park, SD”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 134, pp. 229–244, 2000.
, “Interactions of gelatinous zooplankton within marine food webs”, Journal of Plankton Research, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 985 - 988, 2015.
, “Interim medusahead management guide for the Intermountain West”, EOARC Technical Repoert, 2010.
, “Interlaboratory evaluation of a real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for identification of salmon and trout species in commercial products.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 876-84, 2011.
, “Interpreting diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature”, Global Change Biology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 515 - 527, 2011.
, “Investigation on the Spermoderm of Gyphophila spp.”, L.J. Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, pp. 85-92, 1997.
, “Investigation on the Spermoderm of Gypsophila spp. L.”, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 85 - 92, 1997.
, “Involving community in genes and pathway curation.”, Database : the journal of biological databases and curation, vol. 2019, 2019.
, “Jellyfish, Forage Fish, and the World's Major Fisheries”, Oceanography, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 104 - 115, 2014.
, “ -Keto Acid Metabolites of Naturally Occurring Organoselenium Compounds as Inhibitors of Histone Deacetylase in Human Prostate Cancer Cells”, Cancer Prevention Research, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 683 - 693, 2009.
, “Knapweed Hay as a Nutritional Supplement for Beef Cows Fed Low-Quality Forage”, Rangeland ecology & management, vol. 67, pp. 219–223, 2014.
, “Landscape factors influencing the abundance and dominance of the invasive plant Potentilla recta”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, pp. 218–224, 2007.
, “Landscape Factors Influencing the Abundance and Dominance of the Invasive Plant Potentilla Recta”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 218 - 224, 2007.
, “Late gestation supplementation of beef cows differing in body condition score: Effects on cow and calf performance”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91, no. 11, pp. 5485 - 5491, 2013.
, “Life before birth: effects of cortisol on future cardiovascular and metabolic function*”, Acta Paediatrica, vol. 9210762761035044925310618628028162335242934, no. 7Suppl 1, pp. 766 - 772, 2003.
, “Life before birth: effects of cortisol on future cardiovascular and metabolic function*”, Acta Paediatrica, vol. 9210762761035044925310618628028162335242934, no. 7Suppl 1, pp. 766 - 772, 2003.
, “Light transmission technique for the evaluation of colloidal transport and dynamics in porous media”, Environmental science & technology, vol. 37, pp. 3694–3700, 2003.
, “The local geometry of gas injection into saturated homogeneous porous media”, Transport in porous media, vol. 68, pp. 107–127, 2007.
, “Local recruitment of humpback whales in Glacier Bay and Icy Strait, Alaska, over 30 years”, Endangered Species Research, vol. 31, pp. 177 - 189, 2016.
, “Long-term litter decomposition controlled by manganese redox cycling”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no. 38, pp. E5253 - E5260, 2015.
, “Is long-term protection useful for the regeneration of disturbed plant communities in dry areas?”, African Journal of Ecology, vol. 5511695255375675262246725348113132411924254047474161820520142062562, no. 4, pp. 509 - 517, 2017.
, “Loss of pod strings in common bean is associated with gene duplication, retrotransposon insertion and overexpression of PvIND”, New Phytologist, vol. 235, pp. 2454–2465, 2022.
“Maize Metabolic Network Construction and Transcriptome Analysis”, The Plant Genome, vol. 6, pp. 1-12, 2013.
, “Malt Modification and its Effects on the Contributions of Barley Genotype to Beer Flavor”, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 75, pp. 354–362, 2017.