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OvulationIntraovarian Control of Ovulation: Lessons from Steroid Ablation/Replacement in Monkeys. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000, pp. 130 - 138.
, Orchard Economics: Establishing and Producing Medium-density Apples in Hood River County. Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2003.
, Nutrient Management for Sustainable Vegetable Cropping Systems in Western Oregon. Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2017.
, Novel EcosystemsIncorporating Novel Ecosystems into Management Frameworks, vol. 622439824238524181811261754771420597175181737926161825164424199176163672924116248276107. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013, pp. 157 - 171.
, Novel EcosystemsIncorporating Novel Ecosystems into Management Frameworks, vol. 622439824238524181811261754771420597175181737926161825164424199176163672924116248276107. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013, pp. 157 - 171.
, Novel EcosystemsIncorporating Novel Ecosystems into Management Frameworks, vol. 622439824238524181811261754771420597175181737926161825164424199176163672924116248276107. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013, pp. 157 - 171.
, Novel EcosystemsIncorporating Novel Ecosystems into Management Frameworks, vol. 622439824238524181811261754771420597175181737926161825164424199176163672924116248276107. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2013, pp. 157 - 171.
, Multiple Cropping: Multiple Cropping in the Western United States. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, 1976.
, Multiple Cropping: Multiple Cropping in the Western United States. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, 1976.
, Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Food Processing, 2152545th ed., vol. 434446. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
, Identification of Aroma Compounds in Chinese “Moutai” and “Langjiu” Liquors by Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography Fractionation Followed by Gas Chromatography/Olfactometry, vol. 1104. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2012, pp. 303 - 338.
, ICP Series on Climate Change - Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems Representative Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios for Regional Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation, vol. 4. IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS, 2015, pp. 101 - 145.
, , Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation TechnologyFromage Frais. CRC Press, 2011.
, Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology. CRC Press, 2003.
, Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of TomatoClassical Genetics and Traditional Breeding. Science Publishers, 2013, pp. 37 - 73.
, Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of TomatoClassical Genetics and Traditional Breeding. Science Publishers, 2013, pp. 37 - 73.
, Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of TomatoClassical Genetics and Traditional Breeding. Science Publishers, 2013, pp. 37 - 73.
, Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth-Century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
, Flavor Chemistry of Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages. Washington DC: ACS Books, 2012.
, Flavor Chemistry of Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverages, vol. 1104. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2012.
, Flavor chemistry of wine and other alcoholic beverages. American Chemical Society, 2012.
, Farmers’ Markets: Success, Failure and Management Ecology. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008.
, Evaluation of Solid Phase Extraction-direct Microvial Insert Thermal Desorption for Volatile Analysis in Berry Fruits. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 43-49.
, Evaluation of Solid Phase Extraction-direct Microvial Insert Thermal Desorption for Volatile Analysis in Berry Fruits. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010, pp. 43-49.