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Journal Article
G. W. Mueller-Warrant, Griffith, S. M., Whittaker, G. W., Banowetz, G. M., Pfender, W. F., Garcia, T. S., and Giannico, G. R., Impact of land use patterns and agricultural practices on water quality in the Calapooia River Basin of western Oregon, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 183 - 201, 2012.
K. M. Moyes, ørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq, PLOS ONE, vol. 11784492359591349771295595441714191123571172528832849825268992611093220131812873176217139859321461199015842102815620894203, no. 6Suppl 1, p. e0157480, 2016.
K. M. Moyes, ørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq, PLOS ONE, vol. 11784492359591349771295595441714191123571172528832849825268992611093220131812873176217139859321461199015842102815620894203, no. 6Suppl 1, p. e0157480, 2016.
K. M. Moyes, Sørensen, P., and Bionaz, M., The Impact of Intramammary Escherichia coli Challenge on Liver and Mammary Transcriptome and Cross-Talk in Dairy Cows during Early Lactation Using RNAseq., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 6, p. e0157480, 2016.
A. C. Lowder and DeWitt, C. A. Mireles, Impact of High Pressure Processing on the Functional Aspects of Beef Muscle Injected with Salt and/or Sodium Phosphates, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, vol. 387272267226281221619454677177421495526043616678758899468585642412976941087, no. 4, pp. 1840 - 1848, 2014.
J. Yue, Zhang, Y., Jin, Y., Deng, Y., and Zhao, Y., Impact of high hydrostatic pressure on non-volatile and volatile compounds of squid muscles., Food Chem, vol. 194, pp. 12-9, 2016.
Y. Wang, Finn, C. E., and Qian, M. C., Impact of growing environment on chickasaw blackberry (Rubus L.) aroma evaluated by gas chromatography olfactometry dilution analysis., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 3563-71, 2005.
E. W. Evans, Ellsworth, L. M., and Litton, C. M., Impact of grazing on fine fuels and potential wildfire behaviour in a non-native tropical grassland, Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 126, 2015.
A. D. Howland, Skinkis, P. A., Wilson, J. H., Riga, E., Pinkerton, J. N., R Schreiner, P., and Zasada, I. A., Impact of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Varieties on Reproduction of the Northern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla)., J Nematol, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 141-7, 2015.
S. G. Elias and Nelson, E. K., Impact of glyphosate tolerance gene on seed quality of transgenic bentgrass, Seed Science and Technology, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 350 - 364, 2009.
S. Elias and Nelson, E. K., Impact of glyphosate tolerance gene on seed quality of transgenic bentgrass, Seed Science and Technology, vol. 37, pp. 350-364, 2009.
S. Tochen, Walton, V. M., and Lee, J. C., Impact of floral feeding on adult Drosophila suzukii survival and nutrient status, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 793 - 802, 2016.
Y. Wang, Yue, J., Liu, Z., Zheng, Y., Deng, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, Z., and Huang, H., Impact of Far-Infrared Radiation Assisted Heat Pump Drying on Moisture Distribution and Rehydration Kinetics of Squid Fillets During Rehydration, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, vol. 2542352329489114429, no. 2, pp. 147 - 155, 2016.
B. C. Strik and Buller, G., The impact of early cropping on subsequent yield of highbush blueberry, Acta Hort., vol. 715, pp. 283-288, 2006.
B. C. Strik and Buller, G., The impact of early cropping on subsequent growth and yield of highbush blueberry in the establishment years at two planting densities is cultivar dependant., HortScience , vol. 40, pp. 1998-2001, 2005.
Y. Deng, Jin, Y., Luo, Y., Zhong, Y., Yue, J., Song, X., and Zhao, Y., Impact of continuous or cycle high hydrostatic pressure on the ultrastructure and digestibility of rice starch granules, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 302 - 310, 2014.
A. Furukawa Suárez, Kunz, T., Rodríguez, N. Cortés, MacKinlay, J., Hughes, P. S., and Methner, F. - J., Impact of colour adjustment on flavour stability of pale lager beers with a range of distinct colouring agents, Food chemistry, vol. 125, pp. 850–859, 2011.
R. M Shaw, Pendleton, L., D Cameron, R., Morris, B., Bachelet, D., Klausmeyer, K., MacKenzie, J., Conklin, D. R., Bratman, G. N., Lenihan, J., and , The impact of climate change on California’s ecosystem services, Climatic Change, vol. 109, pp. 465–484, 2011.
D. Bachelet and Kropff, M. J., The impact of climate change on agroclimatic zones in Asia, 1995.
T. M. Maaz, Schillinger, W. F., Machado, S., Brooks, E., Johnson-Maynard, J. L., Young, L. E., Young, F. L., Leslie, I., Glover, A., Madsen, I. J., Esser, A., Collins, H. P., and Pan, W. L., Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Winter Wheat and Cropping System Performance across Precipitation Gradients in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA, Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 5, 2017.
E. J. Z. Robinson, Albers, H. J., and Busby, G. M., The impact of buffer zone size and management on illegal extraction, park protection, and enforcement, Ecological Economics, vol. 92, pp. 96–103, 2013.
C. D. Curtin, Langhans, G., Henschke, P. A., and Grbin, P. R., Impact of Australian Dekkera bruxellensis strains grown under oxygen-limited conditions on model wine composition and aroma., Food Microbiol, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 241-7, 2013.
T. Kamai, Weisbrod, N., and Dragila, M., Impact of ambient temperature on evaporation from surface-exposed fractures, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, no. 2, 2009.
Q. Bingjun, Jung, J., and Zhao, Y., Impact of acidity and metal ion on the antibacterial activity and mechanisms of β- and α-chitosan., Appl Biochem Biotechnol, vol. 175, no. 6, pp. 2972-85, 2015.
A. Wells and Osborne, J. P., Impact of acetaldehyde- and pyruvic acid-bound sulphur dioxide on wine lactic acid bacteria., Lett Appl Microbiol, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 187-94, 2012.