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Journal Article
D. E. Rupp and Selker, J., On the use of the Boussinesq equation for interpreting recession hydrographs from sloping aquifers, Water Resources Research, vol. 42, 2006.
R. D. Stewart, Rupp, D. E., Najm, M. R. Abou, and Selker, J., A Unified Model for Soil Shrinkage, Subsidence, and Cracking, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 15, 2016.
D. E. Rupp, Reckmann, O., Vergara, J., Uribe, H., and Selker, J., UNCONFINED AQUIFER PERMEABILITY NEAR HAND-DUG WELLS IN THE COASTAL AND INTERIOR DRYLAND OF THE LIBERTADOR GENERAL BERNARDO O'HIGGINS REGION, CHILE, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 71, p. 267, 2011.
D. E. Rupp, Keim, R. F., Ossiander, M., Brugnach, M., and Selker, J., Time scale and intensity dependency in multiplicative cascades for temporal rainfall disaggregation, Water resources research, vol. 45, 2009.
R. D. Stewart, Hut, R., Rupp, D. E., Gupta, H., and Selker, J., A resonating rainfall and evaporation recorder, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, 2012.
D. E. Rupp, Selker, J., and Šimunek, J., A Modification to the Bouwer and Rice Method of Slug-Test Analysis for Large-Diameter, Hand-Dug Wells, Ground Water, vol. 39, pp. 308–314, 2001.
R. D. Stewart, Rupp, D. E., Najm, M. R. Abou, and Selker, J., Modeling effect of initial soil moisture on sorptivity and infiltration, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 7037–7047, 2013.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., and Selker, J., Measurement tool for dynamics of soil cracks, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 11, 2012.
P. W. Bogaart, Rupp, D. E., Selker, J., and Velde, Y., Late-time drainage from a sloping Boussinesq aquifer, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 7498–7507, 2013.
D. E. Rupp and Selker, J., Information, artifacts, and noise in dQ/dt- Q recession analysis, Advances in water resources, vol. 29, pp. 154–160, 2006.
P. A. Troch, Berne, A., Bogaart, P., Harman, C., Hilberts, A. G. J., Lyon, S. W., Paniconi, C., Pauwels, V., Rupp, D. E., Selker, J., and , The importance of hydraulic groundwater theory in catchment hydrology: The legacy of Wilfried Brutsaert and Jean-Yves Parlange, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 5099–5116, 2013.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., and Selker, J., An image-based method for determining bulk density and the soil shrinkage curve, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 76, pp. 1217–1221, 2012.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., Lane, J. W., Uribe, H. C., Arumí, J. Luis, and Selker, J., Hillslope run-off thresholds with shrink–swell clay soils, Hydrological Processes, vol. 29, pp. 557–571, 2015.
J. Selker and Rupp, D. E., An environmentally driven time-integrating water sampler, Water resources research, vol. 41, 2005.
D. E. Rupp and Selker, J., Drainage of a horizontal Boussinesq aquifer with a power law hydraulic conductivity profile, Water resources research, vol. 41, 2005.
D. E. Rupp, R Peachey, E., Warren, K. L., and Selker, J., Diuron in surface runoff and tile drainage from two grass-seed fields, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 35, pp. 303–311, 2006.
H. Uribe, Rupp, D. E., Arumí, J. Luis, Stewart, R. D., and Selker, J., Assessment of current and potential yield of hand-dug wells in a semi-arid zone in south-central Chile using an analytical methodology, Chilean journal of agricultural research, vol. 74, pp. 219–224, 2014.
D. E. Rupp, Owens, J. M., Warren, K. L., and Selker, J., Analytical methods for estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity in a tile-drained field, Journal of hydrology, vol. 289, pp. 111–127, 2004.