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J. Selker, Design of interface shape for protective capillary barriers, 1997.
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J. R. Sedell, Reeves, G. H., F. Hauer, R., Stanford, J. A., and Hawkins, C. P., Role of refugia in recovery from disturbances: Modern fragmented and disconnected river systems, Environmental Management, no. 5, pp. 711 - 724, 1990.
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C. Seavert, The Costs and Returns of Establishing and Producing Hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley, 2013.
C. Seavert, Cost of Establishing and Producing Medium- and High-Density Pears in the Hood River Valley of Oregon, 2016.
C. Seavert, Enterprise Budget: Corn (Field) Under Center Pivot Irrigation, Minimum Tillage, North Central Region of Oregon, 2014.
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C. Seavert, Orchard Economics: Establishing and Producing Medium-Density Apples in Hood River County, 2012.