
Found 8081 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
P. S. Doescher, Eddleman, L. E., Jaindl, R., Krueger, W. Clement, Mc Innis, M., Rose, J. A., and Sharrow, S. H., 1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Previous Rangeland Management Progress Report, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986.
W. Clement Krueger and Varva, M., 1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: The Hall Ranch, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986.
W. Clement Krueger, Miller, R. F., and Vavra, M., 1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Twelve Years of Plant Succession on a Seeded Clearcut Under Grazing and Protection from Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986.
M. Mc Innis, Quigley, T. M., and Vavra, M., 1986 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Using Computer Simulation to Estimate Grazing Capacity and Beef Production, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986.
H. A. Turner, 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Utilizing Rake-Bunched Hay for Wintering Mature Cows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
B. J. J. Van Ryssen, 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Aspects of Livestock Production in South Africa, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
I. J. Tinsley, Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Plasma Levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin A in Cattle Raised Over a One Year Period on the Squaw Butte and Union Stations, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
I. J. Tinsley, Turner, H. A., Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Influence of Routine Management Practices at Burns and Union, Oregon, on Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Cobalt Status of Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
M. Mc Innis and Vavra, M., 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Beef Cattle Production on Western Juniper Rangelands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
R. F. Angell and Miller, R. F., 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Competition for Soil Moisture by Woody Species in the Juniper Zone, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
L. E. Eddleman, 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Ecology of Western Juniper, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
J. Buckhouse, 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Watershed Management in the Juniper Zone, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
J. A. Rose and Eddleman, L. E., 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Western Juniper, Ponderosa Pine and Grass, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
L. Etuk, 2000 Baseline Assessment of Rural Community Vitality, 2012.
S. H. Sharrow, Krueger, W. Clement, Fisher, M. J., Deboodt, T., Buckhouse, J., and Vavra, M., 2005 Range Field Day Progress, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
M. L. Rahe, 2010 Ford Institute Leadership Program Evaluation, 2011.
K. J. Reever Morghan, Salli, U., Smith, B. S., and Svejcar, T., Adaptive Management for Invasive Annual Grasses: A Step-By-Step User’s Guide, EOARC/USDA-ARS, 2009.
R. Awale, Machado, S., Bista, P., Wysocki, D. J., Rondon, S. I., Houston, L., Seavert, C., Capalbo, S., and Antle, J. M., Advances in dryland farming in the inland Pacific Northwest, WSU Extension Service, Pullman, Washington, PNW697, 2017.
R. G. Anthony, Miller, R. F., Reinkensmeyer, D. P., Rose, J. A., and Willis, M. J., The affects of community structure on avian populations in juniper woodlands and shrub steppe: work in progress, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1999.
D. C. Ganskopp, Altering Beef Cattle Distribution within Rangeland Pastures with Salt and Water, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
L. Etuk, The American Community Survey: What it Means for You in 2010 and Beyond, 2010.
N. A. Peres, Rondon, S. I., Price, J. F., and Cantliffe, D. J., Angular leaf spot: a bacterial disease in strawberries in Florida, University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, PP120, 2004.
A. Marre and B., W., Assessing Community Capacity in Rural America: Some Lessons from Two Rural Observatories , Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2007.
J. J. Jenkins, Assessment Mission to Review Technical Capacities of Three West African Pesticide Analytical Laboratories: Burkina Faso, Mali, and Senegal, Rome, Italy, 2009.
R. E. Miller, McIver, J., Howes, S. W., and Gaeuman, W. B., Assessment of soil disturbance in forests of the interior Columbia River basin: a critique, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR, 2010.