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“Simulating Effects of Climate and Vegetation Change on Distributions of Martens and Fishers in the Sierra Nevada, California, Using Maxent and MC1”, Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model, pp. 135–149, 2015.
, “Simulated rainfall sequences affect germination and biomass allocation of Chihuahuan desert native plants”, Arid Land Research and Management, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 22 - 36, 2019.
, “A simple equation for predicting preferential flow solute concentrations”, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 23, pp. 1058–1064, 1994.
, “A simple equation for predicting preferential flow solute concentrations”, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 23, pp. 1058–1064, 1994.
, “A simple equation for predicting preferential flow solute concentrations”, Journal of environmental quality, vol. 23, pp. 1058–1064, 1994.
, “A simple accurate method to predict time of ponding under variable intensity rainfall”, Water resources research, vol. 43, 2007.
, “Similarity solution of the Boussinesq equation”, Advances in water resources, vol. 23, pp. 725–729, 2000.
, “Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media”, Advances in water resources, vol. 28, pp. 1076–1082, 2005.
, “Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media”, Advances in water resources, vol. 28, pp. 1076–1082, 2005.
, “Silicone wristbands detect individuals' pesticide exposures in West Africa”, R. Soc. open sci, vol. 3, 2016.
, “Silicone wristbands detect individuals' pesticide exposures in West Africa”, R. Soc. open sci, vol. 3, 2016.
, “Silage corn: western Oregon”, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2009.
, “Signaling Events Downstream of AHR Activation That Contribute to Toxic Responses: The Functional Role of an AHR-Dependent Long Noncoding RNA () Using the Zebrafish Model.”, Environ Health Perspect, vol. 126, no. 11, p. 117002, 2018.
, “Shrub-steppe early succession following juniper cutting and prescribed fire.”, Environ Manage, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 468-81, 2011.
, “Shrubs Facilitate Perennial Bunchgrass Recruitment in Drylands Under Experimental Precipitation Change”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 187, no. Article 104432, 2021.
, “Shrubs Facilitate Perennial Bunchgrass Recruitment in Drylands Under Experimental Precipitation Change”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 187, no. Article 104432, 2021.
, “Short-term responses of native bees to livestock and implications for managing ecosystem services in grasslands”, Ecosphere, vol. 3, no. 10, p. art88, 2012.
, “Short-term responses of native bees to livestock and implications for managing ecosystem services in grasslands”, vol. 3, no. 10, 2012.
, “Short-duration Water Stress Decreases Onion Single Centers without Causing Translucent Scale”, HortScience, 2007.
, “Short-duration Water Stress Decreases Onion Single Centers without Causing Translucent Scale”, HortScience, 2007.
, “A Short Nur77-Derived Peptide Converts Bcl-2 from a Protector to a Killer”, Cancer Cell, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 285 - 298, 2008.
, “A Short Nur77-Derived Peptide Converts Bcl-2 from a Protector to a Killer”, Cancer Cell, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 285 - 298, 2008.
, “Short day transcriptomic programming during induction of dormancy in grapevine”, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015.
, “Short day transcriptomic programming during induction of dormancy in grapevine”, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015.
, “Short communication: Evaluation of supercritical fluid extraction aids for optimum extraction of nonpolar lipids from buttermilk powder.”, J Dairy Sci, vol. 92, no. 12, pp. 5933-5936, 2009.