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“Investigation on the Spermoderm of Gyphophila spp.”, L.J. Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, pp. 85-92, 1997.
, “Investigation on the Spermoderm of Gypsophila spp. L.”, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 85 - 92, 1997.
, “Pollen Morphology of Bulgarian Ocimum basilicum L. Populations”, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 71 - 76, 1997.
, “Y-irradiation of Seeds and Productivity of Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L. ”, J. Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, pp. 73-79, 1997.
, “Basil”, Plant Production, 1998.
, “γ-Irradiation of Seeds and Productivity of Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L.”, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 73 - 79, 1998.
, “Bioavailability of Cu in compost amended soils”, in Proceedings of the International Composting Symposium, 1999.
, “HEAVY METAL UPTAKE BY MINT”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 500, pp. 111 - 118, 1999.
, “Heavy metal uptake by mint”, Acta Hort. , vol. 500, pp. 111-117, 1999.
, “Mineral nutrition of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) ”, Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 203-208, 1999.
, “MINERAL NUTRITION OF CHAMOMILE (CHAMOMILLA RECUTITA (L.) K.”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 203 - 208, 1999.
, “NPK FERTILIZER AND YIELDS OF PEPPERMINT, MENTHA X PIPERITA”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 231 - 236, 1999.
, “NPK fertilizer and yields of peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.)”, Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 231-236, 1999.
, “Absorption and accumulation of Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn and Zn in Nepeta transcaucasicca Grosch. as a function of distance from a polluted zone”, in 11th Annu. Int. Conf. Heavy Metals Environ, 2000.
, “Orphan receptor COUP-TF is required for induction of retinoic acid receptor $\beta$, growth inhibition, and apoptosis by retinoic acid in cancer cells”, Molecular and cellular biology, vol. 20, pp. 957–970, 2000.
, OvulationIntraovarian Control of Ovulation: Lessons from Steroid Ablation/Replacement in Monkeys. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2000, pp. 130 - 138.
, “Population structure of sympatric anadromous and nonanadromous Oncorhynchus mykiss evidence from spawning surveys and otolith microchemistry”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 2152 - 2162, 2000.
, “Unique anti-activator protein-1 activity of retinoic acid receptor $\beta$”, Cancer research, vol. 60, pp. 3271–3280, 2000.
, “Environmental and distributional impacts of conservation targeting strategies”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 41, pp. 333–350, 2001.
, “Nitrogen uptake, partitioning and remobilization in `Kotata' blackberries in alternate year production”, J. Hort. Sci. and Biotech., vol. 76, pp. 700-708, 2001.
, “Comparison of Three Digestion Methods For the Recovery of 17 Plant Essential Nutrients And Trace Elements from Six Composts”, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 197 - 203, 2002.
, “Comparison of three digestion methods for the recovery of 17 plant essential nutrients and trace elements from six composts”, Compost Sci. and Util., vol. 10, pp. 197-203, 2002.
, “Gramene: a resource for comparative grass genomics.”, Nucleic acids research, vol. 30, pp. 103-5, 2002.
, “Gramene, a tool for grass genomics.”, Plant physiology, vol. 130, pp. 1606-13, 2002.