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“Translation initiation factors are differentially regulated in cereals during development and following heat shock”, The Plant Journal, vol. 14, pp. 715–722, 1998.
, “Anthocyanins from radishes and red-fleshed potatoes.”, in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 1999.
, “Different mutator phenotypes in Mlh1-versus Pms2-deficient mice”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 96, pp. 6850–6855, 1999.
, “Direct NMR observation of the thioredoxin-mediated reduction of the chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase provides a structural basis for the relief of autoinhibition”, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 274, 1999.
, “The economics of foreign direct investment and trade with an application to the US food processing industry”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 81, pp. 442–452, 1999.
, “Environmental externalities and the optimal level of market power”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 81, pp. 825–833, 1999.
, “HEAVY METAL UPTAKE BY MINT”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 500, pp. 111 - 118, 1999.
, “The internal Cys-207 of sorghum leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase can form mixed disulphides with thioredoxin”, FEBS Letters, vol. 444, 1999.
, “The level of DNA modification by (+)-syn-(11S, 12R, 13S, 14R)-and (–)-anti-(11R, 12S, 13S, 14R)-dihydrodiol epoxides of dibenzo [a, l] pyrene determined the effect on the proteins p53 and p21WAF1 in the human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF-7”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 20, pp. 859–865, 1999.
, “NPK FERTILIZER AND YIELDS OF PEPPERMINT, MENTHA X PIPERITA”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 231 - 236, 1999.
, “NPK fertilizer and yields of peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.)”, Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 231-236, 1999.
, “p27Kip1 induction and inhibition of proliferation by the intracellular Ah receptor in developing thymus and hepatoma cells”, Genes & Development, vol. 13, no. 13, pp. 1742 - 1753, 1999.
, “Rapid Migration of Radionuclides Leaked from High-Level Waste Tanks: A Study of Salinity Gradients, Wetted Path Geometry and Water Vapor Transport”, Science to Support DOE Site Cleanup, 1999.
, “Seasonal Cattle Management in 3 to 5 Year Old Bitterbrush Stands”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 52, no. 2, p. 166, 1999.
, “Selective differences between naive and experienced cattle foraging among eight grasses”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 293 - 303, 1999.
, “World wide web curriculum design using national collaboration”, J. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, vol. 28, 1999.
, “Alternative residue management and stand age effects on seed quality in cool-season perennial grasses”, Seed Technology, pp. 34–42, 2000.
, “A comprehensive evaluation of product quality in the Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) and albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) industries”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2000.
, “Crown Rot: A Serious Disease of Hosta and Other Perennials”, Iowa State University Extension Bulletin SUL 8, 2000.
, “Cytochrome c release and apoptosis induced by mitochondrial targeting of nuclear orphan receptor TR3”, Science, vol. 289, pp. 1159–1164, 2000.
“Cytochrome P4501B1 mediates induction of bone marrow cytotoxicity and preleukemia cells in mice treated with 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene”, Cancer research, vol. 60, pp. 3454–3460, 2000.
, “Effect of mycorrhizal infection on short-term aluminum uptake and root cation exchange capacity (CEC) of highbush blueberry plantlets”, HortScience, 2000.
, “ESTIMATING PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN IN BIOSOLIDS: A REVISION”, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 174 - 186, 2000.
, “Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers for estimating groundwater recharge”, Water Resources Research, vol. 36, pp. 2407–2416, 2000.