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K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., and Boyd, C. S., Is Crested Wheatgrass Invasive in Sagebrush Steppe with Intact Understories in the Great Basin?, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 90, pp. 322 - 328, 2023.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., and Sheley, R., Crested Wheatgrass Impedes the Spread of Medusahead, Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report, p. 39, 2009.
J. M. Antle and Diagana, B., Creating Incentives for the Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Developing Countries: The Role of Soil Carbon Sequestration, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 1178 - 1184, 2003.
S. Gouthu, Skinkis, P. A., Morre, J., Maier, C. S., and Deluc, L. G., Cover crop-altered vine nitrogen status and its effect on growth hormones and amino acid content of Pinot Noir berries, Food Chemistry, 2012.
J. M. Duke, Dundas, S. J., and Messer, K. D., Cost-effective conservation planning: Lessons from Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 125, pp. 126-133, 2013.
J. M. Duke, Dundas, S. J., and Messer, K. D., Cost-effective conservation planning: Lessons from Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 125, pp. 126-133, 2013.
J. M. Duke, Dundas, S. J., and Messer, K. D., Cost-effective conservation planning: Lessons from economics, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 125, no. 15, 2013.
J. M. Duke, Dundas, S. J., and Messer, K. D., Cost-effective conservation planning: Lessons from economics, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 125, no. 15, 2013.
D. Bachelet, Conklin, D., Rogers, B., McGlinchy, M., Lenihan, J., Neilson, R. P., and Drapek, R., COS 91-9: Can global models reproduce the current increase in western United States wildfires and project a reliable future trend?, in The 94th ESA Annual Meeting, 2009.
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E. R. Burns, Dragila, M. I., Selker, J., Guenther, R. B., Parlange, J. - Y., and Weisbrod, N., Correction of the Buckingham–Darcy Law for flow of high strength salts in variably saturated porous media, Advances in water resources, vol. 30, pp. 469–482, 2007.
P. Vangay, Burgin, J., Johnston, A., Beck, K. L., Berrios, D. C., Blumberg, K., Canon, S., Chain, P., Chandonia, J. - M., Christianson, D., Costes, S. V., Damerow, J., Duncan, W. D., Dundore-Arias, J. Pablo, Fagnan, K., Galazka, J. M., Gibbons, S. M., Hays, D., Hervey, J., Hu, B., Hurwitz, B. L., Jaiswal, P., Joachimiak, M. P., Kinkel, L., Ladau, J., Martin, S. L., McCue, L. Ann, Miller, K., Mouncey, N., Mungall, C., Pafilis, E., Reddy, T. B. K., Richardson, L., Roux, S., Schriml, L. M., Shaffer, J. P., Sundaramurthi, J. Chandrabos, Thompson, L. R., Timme, R. E., Zheng, J., Wood-Charlson, E. M., and Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Correction for Vangay et al., "Microbiome Metadata Standards: Report of the National Microbiome Data Collaborative's Workshop and Follow-On Activities"., mSystems, vol. 6, no. 3, 2021.
P. Vangay, Burgin, J., Johnston, A., Beck, K. L., Berrios, D. C., Blumberg, K., Canon, S., Chain, P., Chandonia, J. - M., Christianson, D., Costes, S. V., Damerow, J., Duncan, W. D., Dundore-Arias, J. Pablo, Fagnan, K., Galazka, J. M., Gibbons, S. M., Hays, D., Hervey, J., Hu, B., Hurwitz, B. L., Jaiswal, P., Joachimiak, M. P., Kinkel, L., Ladau, J., Martin, S. L., McCue, L. Ann, Miller, K., Mouncey, N., Mungall, C., Pafilis, E., Reddy, T. B. K., Richardson, L., Roux, S., Schriml, L. M., Shaffer, J. P., Sundaramurthi, J. Chandrabos, Thompson, L. R., Timme, R. E., Zheng, J., Wood-Charlson, E. M., and Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Correction for Vangay et al., "Microbiome Metadata Standards: Report of the National Microbiome Data Collaborative's Workshop and Follow-On Activities"., mSystems, vol. 6, no. 3, 2021.
P. Vangay, Burgin, J., Johnston, A., Beck, K. L., Berrios, D. C., Blumberg, K., Canon, S., Chain, P., Chandonia, J. - M., Christianson, D., Costes, S. V., Damerow, J., Duncan, W. D., Dundore-Arias, J. Pablo, Fagnan, K., Galazka, J. M., Gibbons, S. M., Hays, D., Hervey, J., Hu, B., Hurwitz, B. L., Jaiswal, P., Joachimiak, M. P., Kinkel, L., Ladau, J., Martin, S. L., McCue, L. Ann, Miller, K., Mouncey, N., Mungall, C., Pafilis, E., Reddy, T. B. K., Richardson, L., Roux, S., Schriml, L. M., Shaffer, J. P., Sundaramurthi, J. Chandrabos, Thompson, L. R., Timme, R. E., Zheng, J., Wood-Charlson, E. M., and Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A., Correction for Vangay et al., "Microbiome Metadata Standards: Report of the National Microbiome Data Collaborative's Workshop and Follow-On Activities"., mSystems, vol. 6, no. 3, 2021.
B. Lin, Kolluri, S., Lin, F., Liu, W., Han, Y. - H., Cao, X., Dawson, M. I., Reed, J. C., and Zhang, X. -kun, Conversion of Bcl-2 from protector to killer by interaction with nuclear orphan receptor Nur77/TR3, Cell, vol. 116, pp. 527–540, 2004.
S. I. Rondon and Dogramaci, M., Control of rust mites in organically grown pears, 66th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 71-73, 2007.
D. G. Miralles, Nieto, R., McDowell, N. G., Dorigo, W. A., Verhoest, N. E. C., Liu, Y. Y., Teuling, A. J., A Dolman, J., Good, S. P., and Gimeno, L., Contribution of water-limited ecoregions to their own supply of rainfall, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 11, no. 12, 2016.
D. G. Miralles, Nieto, R., McDowell, N. G., Dorigo, W. A., Verhoest, N. E. C., Liu, Y. Y., Teuling, A. J., A Dolman, J., Good, S. P., and Gimeno, L., Contribution of water-limited ecoregions to their own supply of rainfall, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 11, no. 12, 2016.
A. J. Myers, Scramlin, S. M., Dilger, A. C., Souza, C. M., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., Contribution of lean, fat, muscle color and degree of doneness to pork and beef species flavor, Meat Science, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 59 - 63, 2009.
A. M. Vondras, Gouthu, S., Schmidt, J. A., Petersen, A. - R., and Deluc, L. G., The contribution of flowering time and seed content to uneven ripening initiation among fruits within Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir clusters, Planta, vol. 243, no. 5, pp. 1191 - 1202, 2016.
M. Deinert, Parlange, J. - Y., K Cady, B., Steenhuis, T. S., and Selker, J., On the continuum-scale modeling of gravity-driven fingers in unsaturated porous media: The inadequacy of the Richards equation with standard monotonic constitutive relations and hysteretic equations of state, Water resources research, vol. 39, 2003.
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C. Davidson, Stanley, K., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Contaminant residues and declines of the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) in the California Cascades, USA, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1895 - 1902, 2012.
R. F. Angell, Delcurto, T., Ganskopp, D. C., Hammond, L., Miller, R. F., Turner, H. A., and Vavra, M., Considerations for Rangeland and Livestock During Drought. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1990.
C. S. Baker, Chilvers, B. L., Constantine, R., Dufresne, S., Mattlin, R. H., van Helden, A., and Hitchmough, R., Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals (suborders Cetacea and Pinnipedia), 2009, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 101 - 115, 2010.