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“Pest-Proofing Your Home”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1677, 2015.
, “Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan”, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1669, 2015.
, “Quality of Life Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularis L.) Infestations”, 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
, “Screening genetically diverse pear species for in vitro CaCl2, MgSO4 and KH2PO4 requirements”, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, vol. 375961651918301784949124225, no. 3, 2015.
, “Screening of potato breeding clones for response to zebra chip (ZC) disease and observations on Lso titer and ZC symptom expression in foliage and tuber”, Proceedings of the 99th Annnul Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Portland, Maine, p. 73, 2015.
, “Success of Seeding Native Compared with Introduced Perennial Vegetation for Revegetating Medusahead-Invaded Sagebrush Rangeland”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 224 - 230, 2015.
, “The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as “Smart” Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties”, in AGU Fall Meeting 2015, 2015.
, “WATER RESOURCES. Hydrologic connectivity constrains partitioning of global terrestrial water fluxes.”, Science, vol. 349, no. 6244, pp. 175-7, 2015.
, “Can Imazapic and Seeding Be Applied Simultaneously to Rehabilitate Medusahead-Invaded Rangeland? Single vs. Multiple Entry”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 650 - 656, 2014.
, “Classical Techniques Versus Omics Approaches”, in Omics in Soil Science , 2014.
, , “A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection”, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
, “A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection”, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
, “De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analyses of Gene Expression during Photomorphogenesis in Diploid Wheat Triticum monococcum.”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
, “Is fire exclusion in mountain big sagebrush communities prudent? Soil nutrient, plant diversity and arthropod response to burning”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 417, 2014.
, “The floral transcriptome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, The New phytologist, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis”, Nature, vol. 51, no. 75, pp. 356 - 362, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, Nature, vol. 510, pp. 356-62, 2014.
, “A Global Mass Balance of Isotope Ratios in Hydrologic Fluxes Provides Constraints on Terrestrial and Oceanic Water Cycling”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “Gramene 2013: comparative plant genomics resources.”, Nucleic acids research, vol. 42, pp. D1193-9, 2014.
, “HDAC8 and STAT3 repress BMF gene activity in colon cancer cells”, Cell death & disease, vol. 5, p. e1476, 2014.
, “Identification and Expression of Capa Gene in the Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta”, PLoS ONE, no. 4, p. e94274, 2014.
, “Implementing the Optimal Provision of Ecosystem Services”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 17, pp. 6248-6253, 2014.