Below is a listing, by year, of papers, presentations and posters given at professional events by the Bioenergy Education Initiative staff and graduate students across the country.
Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Science Curricula | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016 |
Interdisciplinary Learning of Energy though Integration of Socioeconomic Topics | Li, Z. and Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016 |
Assessment of the Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University | Halsey-Randall, M., D. Russ-Eft, Z. Li and Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016 |
Integration of Project Based Learning Into a Summer Bridge Program | Well, J., Talamantes, A., O’Neil, R., and Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016 |
Prioritizing Pertinent Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique. | Grzyb, K., B. Hartman and Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016 |
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone: Bioenergy on YouTube | Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016 |
Oregon State University’s Undergraduate Minor in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy | Li, Z., M. Halsey Randall, D. Russ-Eft and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016 |
Introductory Energy Education Framework with Topic-Based Modular Course Design | Li, Z., and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016 |
Enhancing Bioenergy Education Pipeline Through Development of K-12 Bioenergy Curricula | Well, J., B Hartman, A. Talamantes, R. O’Neill, and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016 |
Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Science Curricula | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference; Baltimore, MD; April 2016 |
Using Bioenergy to Teach Energy Flows | Brian Hartman |
Utah Science Teacher Association; Provo, Utah; February 2016 |
Using Bioenergy to Integrate STEM Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | Association for Science Teacher Education, Reno; January 2016 |
Using Bioenergy to Integrate STEM Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B. D., Grzyb, K., and Field, K.G. | ASEE Annula Conference and Exposition, Proceedings, 122 |
Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest - Laying the foundation for a PNW biofuels and bio based chemicals industry | Gustafson, R., K. G. Field, P. Townsend, B. Stanton, and T. Eggeman | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
Introduction to Undergraduate Programs: What We Have Learned. | Li, Z. and Field, K.G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA |
AHB Bioenergy Education Pipeline: an overview | Field, K. G. and J. Selwitz | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA |
Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Education Curricula | Hartman, B. D., K. Grzyb, T. Sorensen, and Field, K.G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA |
Prioritizing Pertinent Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Gryzb, K., B. D. Hartman, and Field, K.G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA |
Implementing NGSS Science and Engineering Through Bioenergy | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | Oregon Science Teacher Association Conference, Bend, OR |
Science and Engineering Concepts through Bioenergy | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | Idaho Science Teacher Association Conference, Rexburg, ID |
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone: E-campus, YouTube & MOOC |
Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G. |
USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
Undergraduate Student Research in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy | Li, Z., K. Grzyb, and Field, K.G. | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
Bringing Bioenergy Literacy to K12 Students, Families, and Communities | Well, J., B. Hartman, A. Talamantes, and Field, K.G. | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | 96th American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting of the Pacific Division, San Francisco, CA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Li, Glen, Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Athens, GA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL |
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA |
BRR 350: Introduction to Regional Bioenergy, an interdisciplinary course to introduce bioenergy concepts | Li, Z., S. Freitas, and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC |
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Gryzb, K., and Field, K.G. |
National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC |
2015 Bioenergy Education. National Energy Education Summit | Field, K. G. |
15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC |
Implementing NGSS Science and Engineering Through Bioenergy | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | Oregon Science Teacher Association Conference, Bend, OR |
Science and Engineering Concepts through Bioenergy | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | Idaho Science Teacher Association Conference, Rexburg, ID |
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone: E-campus, YouTube & MOOC |
Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G. | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
Undergraduate Student Research in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy | Li, Z., K. Grzyb, and Field, K.G. | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
Bringing Bioenergy Literacy to K12 Students, Families, and Communities | Well, J., B. Hartman, A. Talamantes, and Field, K.G. | USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO |
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | 96th American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting of the Pacific Division, San Francisco, CA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Li, Glen, Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Athens, GA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. | National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL |
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study | Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. | American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA |
BRR 350: Introduction to Regional Bioenergy, an interdisciplinary course to introduce bioenergy concepts | Li, Z., S. Freitas, and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC |
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Gryzb, K., and Field, K.G. | National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC |
Bioenergy science and engineering as components of agricultural education curricula. | Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., Sorenson, T. J. and Field, K.G. | Western Region Conference of American Association for Agricultural Education, Corvallis, OR |
Bioenergy Summer Bridge Assessment | Talamantes, A., R. Collay, B.D. Hartman, R. O’Neill, J. Well, L. Zhenglun and Field, K.G. | AHB Annual Conference, Davis, CA |
Impacts of the Bioenergy Summer Bridge to College Program | Talamantes, A., R. Collay, J. de la Hoz, R. O’Neill, M. Halsey Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, J. Well, and Field, K.G | NACTA Journal 58: 17 |
Interdisciplinary, Research-based Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University | Field, K. G., K. Grzyb, M Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, and J. Well | NACTA Journal 58: 20-21 |
AHB Bioenergy Education Pipeline: an overview | Field, K. G. and J. Selwitz | USDA-NIFA PI’s Meeting, Washington, DC |
Project Based Learning & the Bioenergy Summer Bridge | Talamantes, A., R. Collay, B.D. Hartman, R. O’Neill, J. Well, L. Zhenglun and Field, K.G | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA |
Bringing Bioenergy Education Online at OSU: Improving the Accessibility of Fundamental Bioenergy Knowledge | Freitas, S., G. Li, K. Grzyb, J. Well, and Field, K.G | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA |
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique | Gryzb, K., B. Hartmanand and Field, K.G | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA |
Research-Based, Interdisciplinary Multicultural Scholars Program at Oregon State University Has a High Graduation Rate of Minority and First-Generation Students in a STEM Major | Field, K. G., W. Crannell, L. Curtis, P. Diebel, D. Stone, and J. Velez | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT |
Sustainable programs in sustainable bioenergy education | Halsey Randall, M., L. Robichaux, D. Russ Eft, and Field, K.G | 28th annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO |
Application of Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Modeling to improve decay rate estimates in fecal indicator bacteria, genetic markers, and pathogens | Brooks, L. and Field, K.G | American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Boston, MA |
Impacts of the Bioenergy Summer Bridge to College Program | Talamantes, Adam, M. Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, J. Well, and Field, K.G | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Bozeman, MT |
Interdisciplinary, Research-based Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University | Field, K. G., K. Grzyb, M Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, and J. Well | North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Bozeman, MT |
Bioenergy in the classroom: Design an ethanol plant | Hartman, B. D. and St. Clair, T. | Oregon Science Teacher’s Association Conference, Portland, OR |
Helping students understand inquiry and design | Hartman B. D. and Bell, Randy | Oregon Science Teacher’s Association Conference, Portland, OR |
Introduction to Regional Bioenergy Education | Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR |
The Bioenergy Minor at OSU | Gryzb, K. and Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR |
Masters Programs in Bioenergy | Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels NorthwestAnnual Meeting, Corvallis, OR |
Introduction to Regional Bioenergy Education | Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR |
Masters Programs in Bioenergy | Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR |
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University | Field, K. G. | Department of Transportation, OSU Sun Grant Site Visit, Corvallis, OR |
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University | Field, K. G. | Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Boardman, OR |
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University: The Bioenergy Minor | Field, K. G., C. Frazier-Barthel, S. Freitas, K. Grzyb, and J. Well | Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium, Seattle, WA |