
Below is a listing, by year, of papers, presentations and posters given at professional events by the Bioenergy Education Initiative staff and graduate students across the country.

Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Science Curricula Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016
Interdisciplinary Learning of Energy though Integration of Socioeconomic Topics Li, Z. and Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016
Assessment of the Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University Halsey-Randall, M., D. Russ-Eft, Z. Li and Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016
Integration of Project Based Learning Into a Summer Bridge Program Well, J., Talamantes, A., O’Neil, R., and Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016
Prioritizing Pertinent Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique. Grzyb, K., B. Hartman and Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference; Honolulu, HI; June 2016
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone:  Bioenergy on YouTube Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016
Oregon State University’s Undergraduate Minor in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy Li, Z., M. Halsey Randall, D. Russ-Eft and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016
Introductory Energy Education Framework with Topic-Based Modular Course Design Li, Z., and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016
Enhancing Bioenergy Education Pipeline Through Development of K-12 Bioenergy Curricula Well, J., B Hartman, A. Talamantes, R. O’Neill, and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC; June 2016
Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Science Curricula Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference; Baltimore, MD; April 2016
Using Bioenergy to Teach Energy Flows Brian Hartman

Utah Science Teacher Association; Provo, Utah; February 2016

Using Bioenergy to Integrate STEM Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Association for Science Teacher Education, Reno; January 2016


Using Bioenergy to Integrate STEM Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B. D., Grzyb, K., and Field, K.G. ASEE Annula Conference and Exposition, Proceedings, 122
Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest - Laying the foundation for a PNW biofuels and bio based chemicals industry Gustafson, R., K. G. Field, P. Townsend, B. Stanton, and T. Eggeman USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
Introduction to Undergraduate Programs: What We Have Learned. Li, Z. and Field, K.G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA
AHB Bioenergy Education Pipeline: an overview Field, K. G. and J. Selwitz Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA
Bioenergy Science and Engineering as Components of Agricultural Education Curricula Hartman, B. D., K. Grzyb, T. Sorensen, and Field, K.G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA
Prioritizing Pertinent Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Gryzb, K., B. D. Hartman, and Field, K.G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Conference, Seattle, WA
Implementing NGSS Science and Engineering Through Bioenergy Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Oregon Science Teacher Association Conference, Bend, OR
Science and Engineering Concepts through Bioenergy Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Idaho Science Teacher Association Conference, Rexburg, ID
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone:
E-campus, YouTube & MOOC
Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G.

USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO

Undergraduate Student Research in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy Li, Z., K. Grzyb, and Field, K.G. USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
Bringing Bioenergy Literacy to K12 Students, Families, and Communities Well, J., B. Hartman, A. Talamantes, and Field, K.G. USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. 96th American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting of the Pacific Division, San Francisco, CA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Li, Glen, Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Athens, GA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA
BRR 350: Introduction to Regional Bioenergy, an interdisciplinary course to introduce bioenergy concepts Li, Z., S. Freitas, and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Gryzb, K., and Field, K.G.

National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC

2015 Bioenergy Education. National Energy Education Summit Field, K. G.

15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC

Implementing NGSS Science and Engineering Through Bioenergy Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Oregon Science Teacher Association Conference, Bend, OR
Science and Engineering Concepts through Bioenergy Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Idaho Science Teacher Association Conference, Rexburg, ID
Online Bioenergy Education for Everyone:
E-campus, YouTube & MOOC
Freitas, S., Z. Li, and Field, K.G. USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
Undergraduate Student Research in Bioenergy: Producing Graduates with the Skills to Advance the Bioeconomy Li, Z., K. Grzyb, and Field, K.G. USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
Bringing Bioenergy Literacy to K12 Students, Families, and Communities Well, J., B. Hartman, A. Talamantes, and Field, K.G. USDA-NIFA AFRI Sustainable Bioenergy Annual Project Director (PD) Meeting, Denver, CO
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. 96th American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting of the Pacific Division, San Francisco, CA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Li, Glen, Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Athens, GA
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA
BRR 350: Introduction to Regional Bioenergy, an interdisciplinary course to introduce bioenergy concepts Li, Z., S. Freitas, and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Gryzb, K., and Field, K.G. National Energy Education Summit. 15th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment: Energy and Climate Change, Washington, DC
Bioenergy science and engineering as components of agricultural education curricula. Hartman, B.D., Grzyb, K., Sorenson, T. J. and Field, K.G. Western Region Conference of American Association for Agricultural Education, Corvallis, OR
Bioenergy Summer Bridge Assessment Talamantes, A., R. Collay, B.D. Hartman, R. O’Neill, J. Well, L. Zhenglun and Field, K.G. AHB Annual Conference, Davis, CA


Impacts of the Bioenergy Summer Bridge to College Program Talamantes, A., R. Collay, J. de la Hoz, R. O’Neill, M. Halsey Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, J. Well, and Field, K.G NACTA Journal 58: 17
Interdisciplinary, Research-based Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University Field, K. G., K. Grzyb, M Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, and J. Well NACTA Journal 58: 20-21
AHB Bioenergy Education Pipeline: an overview Field, K. G. and J. Selwitz USDA-NIFA PI’s Meeting, Washington, DC
Project Based Learning & the Bioenergy Summer Bridge Talamantes, A., R. Collay, B.D. Hartman, R. O’Neill, J. Well, L. Zhenglun and Field, K.G Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA
Bringing Bioenergy Education Online at OSU: Improving the Accessibility of Fundamental Bioenergy Knowledge Freitas, S., G. Li, K. Grzyb, J. Well, and Field, K.G Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA
Determining Essential Components of a College-Level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Gryzb, K., B. Hartmanand and Field, K.G Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Annual Meeting, Davis, CA
Research-Based, Interdisciplinary Multicultural Scholars Program at Oregon State University Has a High Graduation Rate of Minority and First-Generation Students in a STEM Major Field, K. G., W. Crannell, L. Curtis, P. Diebel, D. Stone, and J. Velez North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Sustainable programs in sustainable bioenergy education Halsey Randall, M., L. Robichaux, D. Russ Eft, and Field, K.G 28th annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO
Application of Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Modeling to improve decay rate estimates in fecal indicator bacteria, genetic markers, and pathogens Brooks, L. and Field, K.G American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Boston, MA
Impacts of the Bioenergy Summer Bridge to College Program Talamantes, Adam, M. Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, J. Well, and Field, K.G North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Bozeman, MT
Interdisciplinary, Research-based Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University Field, K. G., K. Grzyb, M Halsey-Randall, L. Robichaux, D. Russ-Eft, and J. Well North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference, Bozeman, MT
Bioenergy in the classroom: Design an ethanol plant Hartman, B. D. and St. Clair, T. Oregon Science Teacher’s Association Conference, Portland, OR
Helping students understand inquiry and design Hartman B. D. and Bell, Randy Oregon Science Teacher’s Association Conference, Portland, OR


Introduction to Regional Bioenergy Education Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR
The Bioenergy Minor at OSU Gryzb, K. and Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR
Masters Programs in Bioenergy Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels NorthwestAnnual Meeting, Corvallis, OR
Introduction to Regional Bioenergy Education Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR
Masters Programs in Bioenergy Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR


Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University Field, K. G. Department of Transportation, OSU Sun Grant Site Visit, Corvallis, OR
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University Field, K. G. Advanced Hardwoods Biofuels Northwest Annual Meeting, Boardman, OR
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University: The Bioenergy Minor Field, K. G., C. Frazier-Barthel, S. Freitas, K. Grzyb, and J. Well Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium, Seattle, WA