These videos feature SMILE Club teachers from around the state. The teachers shared some of their time to talk about the SMILE Program, its effectiveness, and how they use bioenergy lessons and materials in their clubs and classrooms.
Ken Dickey
SMILE Club Nyssa High School - Nyssa, Oregon Ken Dickey has been a SMILE club teacher for the past 23 years. In this video, he shares some of his experience using bioenergy lessons in the Nyssa SMILE club and his chemistry classes. Ken also reflects on the impact of the SMILE Club on the school graduation rates and student success. |
Tanya Jones
SMILE Club at Forest Grove High School - Forest Grove, Oregon Tanya Jones has been a SMILE Club teacher for 19 years. She appreciates the new lessons ideas and cutting edge science, like bioenergy, that the SMILE program presents to teachers during their development workshops. These hands-on materials have positively influenced her SMILE Club and her high school science classes. |
Tim Talty
SMILE Club at Lorna Byrne Middle School - Cave Junction, Oregon Middle school science teacher Tim Talty has been leading the Cave Junction SMILE Club for the past 14 years. In this video, he talks about the hands-on learning strategy of the SMILE club he directs to teach complex concepts such as bioenergy. Tim also reflects on the SMILE Program's effect on high school graduation rates and college attendance. |
Third-grade teacher Mary Hall talks about her experience with the Growing Bioenergy lesson. Over 90 third grade students from her school, Jackson Elementary in Hillsboro, participated in a nine-week collaborative unit with OSU's Bioenergy Education Initiative and SMILE program, and local tree farm GreenWood Industries.