BioResource Research students will be able to:
- Retain and articulate the fundamental concepts of biosciences and bioresource sciences, and of the physical and mathematical sciences that support these fields.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method by designing an experiment, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
- Convey the meaning of research results in written and oral format, to both professionals and the general public.
- Master and discuss the important contemporary issues in the specific discipline of the BRR option and research project.
- Demonstrate professionalism, including critical thinking, a strong work ethic, and the ability to contribute to a team.
These learning outcomes will be assessed through a written research proposal, course work, research activities, data presentation, thesis, public seminar, and final defense. Furthermore, the mentor and research committee will provide feedback based on performance in the laboratory, thesis, seminar, and final defense.
Students must receive a grade of C- or better on all BRR Core Requirements and option requirements to receive credit for the program.