BRR Timeline

Wondering what you should be doing? Here's a TIMELINE to help you keep on track. It's written as if you are in BRR for 4 years, graduating in spring term of your fourth year. If you transfer in some time after your first year, your timeline will be more condensed. See the adviser!

Also note: some students do their mentor search and start research early in their third year. And, many students like to do a lot of their research during summer term.

BRR Student Timeline (link to downloadable PDF)

First year  

Term     Action     

1           Take BRR100.
1-3        Meet with advisor at least once a term.
1-3        Start taking core science classes

Second year 

Term     Action      

1-3        Meet with advisor at least once a term.
1-3        Continue with core classes.
2           Take BRR200.
3           Read about BRR options.
3           Start to identify research interests.
3           Prepare resume.
3           Begin mentor search: Discuss mentors with BRR advisor.
3           Meet with potential mentors.   
3           Identify research mentor.
3           Tentatively identify research project, option, and option courses.

Third year   

Term     Action   

1           Hold initial project meeting.
1           Write and turn in research project proposal.
1           Turn in list of option courses.
1-3        Sign up for research credits and begin research.
1-3        Meet with advisor at least once a term.    

Late third year or early fourth year
Write and turn in progress report
            Hold progress meeting

Fourth year   

Term     Action   

1-3        Meet with advisor at least once a term.
1          Take BRR409
2          Take BRR406   
3          Sign up for BRR403 (thesis) and BRR407 (Seminar)   
3          Complete all research (14 credits total)   
3          Start writing thesis.
3          Attend thesis meetings with Director.
3          Schedule final seminar (for no later than the Friday before Dead Week--earlier is better)

Three weeks before final seminar
    Submit draft thesis to mentor

Two weeks before final seminar
      Get edited thesis back from mentor

One week before final seminar
       Submit thesis to committee          

By Friday before dead week
      Give final seminar and "defense".     

By Wednesday of exam week
     Obtain mentors' and director’s signatures on title page and turn in final thesis to advisor


If you are in Honors College, it's your responsibility to find the Honors College information and meet their deadlines.