Grants and Scholarships

The following is a partial list of opportunities for grants, fellowships and internships. If you find one for which you think you might be eligible, you should talk to the BRR adviser, Wanda Crannell, as quickly as possible, to get the most current information.

Students in the University Honors College should check for more opportunities available specifically to them: and


(B) Co-op/Internship Opportunities in Biomedical Research and for Pre-Medical Studies Students

(E) National Network Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) EPA Research Fellowships

EPA established the National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) in 1986 to foster a growing interest among higher education students in environmental careers. The NNEMS program is a comprehensive fellowship program that provides undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to participate in a fellowship project that is directly related to their field of study. The NNEMS program is sponsored by EPA's Environmental Education Division (EED), Office of Children's Health Protection and Environmental Education (OCHPEE).

(H) Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program

(H) Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship:

Oregon State University is pleased to announce the availability of undergraduate research opportunities in the biological sciences to students who have completed their freshman, sophomore, or junior years of college by June of each school year. Sponsored by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) these fellowships give undergraduates unique research opportunities with OSU researchers. No previous research experience is required of students in the program, but each applicant must be sponsored by a faculty member in the biological sciences. Fellowships pay $3800 for 11 weeks of full time research in a sponsoring laboratory, followed by student participation in an end-of-the-summer symposium. The application consists of two documents - one prepared by the student applicant and one prepared by the mentor. Applications are made available in January of each year and are due in early March. Questions should be addressed to Kevin Ahern at 541-737-2305 or [email protected].

(I) Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) Pathways to Science

The IBP lists many scholarship, internship, fellowship, and research opportunities.

(J) ER Jackman Internship Support Program

BRR students working with research mentors in the Horticulture, Microbiology, Crop and Soil Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine received support from the ER Jackman Internship Support Program. The E.R. Jackman Internship Support Program provides financial assistance to students in low-paying or volunteer internships. Funds may be used to help offset a variety of expenses including transportation, living expenses, projects, and research.

(J) Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Fund for Summer Research Experiences for Underserved Undergraduates in Plant Science

Ernest and Pauline Jaworski have established the Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Fund for Summer Research Experiences for Underserved Undergraduates in Plant Science through the Oregon State University Foundation.  The fund is established in recognition of their strong interest in plant biology and their interest in providing opportunities to encourage students to pursue careers in the plant sciences. They have a special interest in providing opportunities to help and sustain education, and changing learning environments so that more students have opportunities to learn.

(N) NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
There may be several of these available at any given time. Examples:

(1) NSF- REU Pollination Biology Research Experience for Undergraduates

Dr. Sujaya Rao, Principal Investigator
Crop and Soil Science
Oregon State University
109 Crop Science Bldg
Corvallis, OR 97331-3002
Email Address
[email protected]

(2) NSF - REU Marine and Estuary Sciences

Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR
REU Program Coordinator
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365-5296
email: [email protected]
Division of Ocean Science's REU Program Director,
Lisa Rom at [email protected] or 703-292-7709.
Itchung Cheung
Academic Program Coordinator & Instructor
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Oregon State University
Newport, OR 97365-5296
[email protected]
541-867-0380 phone | 541-867-0138 fax

Other related REU program sites

(N) Native Americans in Science, Engineering  and Natural Resources (NASENR)
The goal of NASENR is to increase the number of Native American/Alaskan Native students earning BS degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and who are eligible for graduate school. NASENR at Oregon State University is a collaborative effort between five colleges on campus: the College of Agricultural Sciences, the College of Engineering, the College of Forestry, the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, and the College of Science. NASENR was established in 2005 with funds from the five Colleges, from Oregon State University, and from the National Science Foundation to provide paid internship opportunities for Native American and Alaskan Native undergraduate students.

(P) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Includes several internships, research opportunities and summer programs in the areas of science, mathematics, engineering, technology, global change, and science policy. Most are funded by the Department of Energy. "For undergraduate internships and other educational programs, read about PNNL's Science and Engineering Education Programs.Our nation's future is inextricably linked to developments in science, mathematics, and technology. The demands of our changing economy and workplace, the need for an educated citizenry, impact on our national security, and the intrinsic value of mathematical and scientific knowledge make these areas essential to the education of today's students for tomorrow's world. PNNL is a trusted and valued collaborator in the U.S. Department of Energy's Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (DOE-WDTS) Program and the region's efforts to improve science and engineering education. The Laboratory is committed to supporting science and engineering education from grade school to graduate school. Science and Engineering Education at the Laboratory connects the worlds of research and education by linking academic learning to the world beyond the classroom and providing a forum for learning about important science issues."

(S) Oregon Seed Trade Association:

For information contact Peggy Mullett, Crop and Soil Sciences Department: [email protected].

(S) Sciences OSU A.L. Strand Memorial Scholarship in Entomology -

Supports students of any major who are conducting research where insects/entomology plays a significant role. To request an application contact Academic Programs Office, College of Agricultural Sciences, 147 Strand Agriculture Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-2202, 541-737-2211; [email protected]. Applications may also be downloaded from the Scholarships and Awards webpage.

(S) Subsurface Biosphere Initiative (SBI)

The Subsurface Biosphere Initiative (SBI) supports a summer undergraduate internship program. Its goal is to provide undergraduates with rewarding research experiences at Oregon State University that will stimulate their interest in the subsurface biosphere and encourage them to pursue graduate studies. The program focuses on, but is not limited to, under-represented minority and women students. Interns receive a monthly stipend and are mentored by an OSU faculty member.       
The Subsurface Biosphere, Undergraduate Summer Internship Program
c/o Garrett Jones
103 Gleeson
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-2702
email: [email protected]

(U) OSU Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) Grants


Check College of Agricultural Sciences scholarships. Also, if you have a double major, you may be eligible for other departmental and college scholarships.

(H) Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program (also under Internships and Summer Support)

(I) Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) Pathways to Science

The IBP lists many scholarship, internship, fellowship, and research opportunities.


(S) Sigma Xi- The Research Society Grants-in-Aid of Research Program

Application Deadlines: March 15 and October 15 annually.

The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) program has been providing undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences for more than 80 years. By encouraging close working relationships between students and faculty, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning.

The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from all areas of the sciences and engineering. Designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences allow for grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision related research. Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.

While membership in Sigma Xi is not a requirement for applying for funding from the Grants-in-Aid of Research program, approximately 75% of funds are restricted for use by dues paying student members of Sigma Xi or students whose project advisor is a dues paying member of Sigma Xi. Students from any country are eligible to receive funding.

(U) Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship & Creativity (URISC) (see also also under Summer Support and Internships)

Undergraduate students currently pursuing a baccalaureate degree at OSU and who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. For the academic year program the maximum award is $1,000 for 1 term; $1,800 for 2 terms; and $2,300 for the full academic year. Awards must be spent in the quarters for which the funds were requested. A student may receive an award only once from the academic year URISC program and once from the summer URISC program.


The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to diversify students who study abroad and the countries and regions where they go. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Institute of International Education's (IIE) Southern Regional Center in Houston, Texas. To give you an idea of the timing, applications for Spring 2008 study abroad scholarships were due October 9, 2007. Students receiving a federal Pell Grant from two- and four-year institutions are encouraged to apply. BRR students have received Gilman support for study and research in New Zealand and South Korea.

Other opportunities for international funding can be found in International Programsand  IE3 Global


Students may find additional support opportunities by joining professional organizations related to their interests and career goals.  Joining a professional organization as a student can show interest and commitment over time as well as provide professional mentoring and networking, scholarship awards, research fellowships, travel to professional meetings, internship, and employment opportunities. Typically, joining as a student is very inexpensive and well worth the investment. Talk to your research mentor for additional organization recommendations. Some examples are below.

AGU is a worldwide scientific community that advances, through unselfish cooperation in research, the understanding of Earth and space for the benefit of humanity.

American Society of Microbiology

American Chemical Society

American Society of Plant Biologists

Society of Toxicology

Society of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry (SETAC)

Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (PANWAT)

Soil Science Society of America

The Geological Society of America

American Society of Agronomy

Crop Science Society of America

Society of Wetland Scientists