Pest Biology and Management research involves the study of living organisms, such as insects, fungal pathogens, vertebrates, or weeds, that limit agricultural productivity. Entomology aspects involve insect identification, their biology and control including integrated plant protection, biocontrol, and use of beneficial insects. Research approaches range from basic laboratory studies to field experiments. Students will develop research skills in pest biology, development of management strategies, and assessment of pest impact on plants or livestock.
Examples of thesis titles:
- Bait and Trap Design Preferences for Drosophila suzukii. Monica H. Marcus. Mentor: Amy J. Dreves, Crop and Soil Sience.
- Pheromone mating disruption of filbertworm moth (Cydia latiferreana) in commercial hazelnut orchards. Christopher Hedstrom. Mentor: Vaughan Walton, Horticulture.
- Survey of Entomopathogenic Fungi colonizing the rhizosphere of small fruits and Christmas trees in the Willamette Valley, OR. Joanna Fisher. Mentor:Dr. Denny Bruck, USDA Agricultural Research Service.
- Trap and Kill Technologies of Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle (Diabrotica undecipunctata undecipunctata) and the Western Striped Cucumber Beetle. Katie Alderman. Mentor: Dr. John Luna, Horticulture.
- Quantifying the value of native plants for improving pollination and biological control in agroecosystems. Tammy Winfield (also Sustainable Ecosystems). Mentor: Dr. John Lambrinos, Horticulture.
- Measurement of relative fitness of dicarboximide-resistant Botrytis cenerea in strawberry leaves. Jenny Glass. Mentor: Dr. Ken Johnson, Botany and Plant Pathology.
- A survey of three key species of Ambrosia Beetles in Oregon’s Willamette Valley nursery industry. Eryn Cramer. Mentor: Dr. Robin Rosetta, North Willamette Research and Extension Center.
- Field validation of laboratory tests used in screening Port-Orford-cedar for resistance to Phytophthora lateralis. Adam Wing. Mentor: Dr. Everett Hansen, Botany and Plant Pathology.
- A Comparison of Native Bee and Honey Bee Foraging on Oregon Cranberry. Melissa McKenny. Mentor: Dr. Sujaya Rao, Crop and Soild Sciences.
- Biological control of insects using entomopathogenic nematodes. Tanya Bezdek. Mentor: Dr. Ralph Berry, Entomology.