As a part of regular site maintenance it is good to review the people that are associated with your website.
To see a list of all people who are assigned to your site:
Log into your website
1 - Click on the Dashboard link in the top Blue bar of the web page
2 - Click on your site name in the right sidebar of the dashboard under My Sites. This takes you to the site dashboard.
3 - Click on the Group tab.
4 - Click on the People link to see all of the people associated with your website.
If the person is no longer with OSU please let the CAS Communications Team know so that we can delete their profile from our system.
If the person is still with OSU but no longer a part of your unit then you can remove them from your site by clicking on the Remove (4) link to the far right of their name.
While reviewing the people associated with your website, please also review the people that have editing privileges to your site under the Roles (1) column
Group Author = the person has permissions to edit the content on your website
Group Manager = the person has permissions to edit the content on your website, as well as access the site dashboard and edit the people associated with the website.
To change these privileges click the Edit (3) link to the far right of the persons name
(2) The Membership Function column assigns which employee directory on your website the person appears in. Changing this value can move a person from one directory to another in your website. This setting can be changed through the Edit (3) link.
1 - Click the box next to the appropriate editing Role. If the person should not have editing rights, none of these should be selected.
2 - Select which section of your Unit Personnel Directory this person should appear in.
3 - Click the green Update Membership button at the bottom of the page.