Recognize fruit damage from spotted wing drosophila
Current Recommendations for Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, in Oregon Strawberries
California Cherry Management
Distribution and Mapping Resources for Spotted Wing Drosophila
Statewide SWD Realtime Mapping - Maps by county for Oregon
SWD Degree Day Phenology Model - Forecasted development of SWD population by degree days
Integrated Pest Management of SWD
Prevention - This is only effective if the pest has not made it to the targeted area. Use sanitation practices to destroy fruit culls. Remove other potential SWD habitat. Promptly remove all non-marketable hanging fruit from your fields. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Chemical Control Resources for Spotted Wing Drosophila
Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook -- This handbook is updated annually and provides control recommendations for a wide range of agricultural pests. Navigate through the online version by selecting the chapter of interest from the drop-down list at top left. Spotted wing drosophila is featured in the 2011 Emerging Pest chapter. Control recommendations are made in the Small Fruit and Tree Fruit chapters.
EPPO spotted wing drosophila fact sheet
Biology of Spotted Wing Drosophila
A collection of quality publications for describing the biology of spotted wing drosophila.
Life Cycle collection of photographs depicting life cycle of spotted wing drosophila, courtesy of Washington State University Extension in Whatcom County
Identification dichotomous key produced by Oregon Department of Agriculture, includes detailed photographs of morphological characteristics (June 2010)
A list of scientists conducting research funded in part by the USDA-NIFA SCRI grant.