
Looking for a site to do a fairy ring control trial.

We are looking for a site to do a fairy ring control trial in 2011.Fairy Ring Photo  If you are having consistent problems with fairy ring and are willing to allow plots to be set up and different fungicide treatments applied, please call Brian McDonald at 541 231-1149.  The ideal site would be about 2,000 square feet with uniform fairy ring symptoms throughout.  The area could be a golf course fairway, rou

Microdochium Patch Fungicide Control Strategies

patch on a green

Avoiding Buildup of Resistant Fungi

  • Most failures are probably not due to fungal resistance to fungicides.
  • Fungal resistance is most likely to develop where you over use systemic fungicides and don’t alternate modes of action.

    Examples in the PNW on Microdochium Patch: Clearys 3336, Chipco 26GT, and Heritage.
  • Pathologists have numerous theories on the best strategies for managing fungicides to avoid resistance.

BeaverTurf Community Site

Along with the BeaverTurf.com website, we are also launching a BeaverTurf Community site.  An online community for Turf Professionals, the site is intended to:

  • Connect turf professionals in order to build relationships and increase networking
  • Provide a forum for collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing
  • Keep turf professionals up to date with the latest and greatest news, research, and resources

Check it out and sign up herehttp://beaverturf.ning.com

New Turf Website

BeaverTurf.com - the new turfgrass website from Oregon State University - is nearing completion.  We hope you like the new site and the information and resources that it provides. 

Please let us know about any bugs, errors, or other problems that you might encounter, as well as any other feedback you may have.  Thanks and happy surfing!

Annual Bluegrass , Poa annua L.

Annual Bluegrass , Poa annua L.

Revised Feb. 2008

In nature, annual bluegrass, Poa annua L. behaves as a true annual. It germinates in fall or spring when moisture is adequate and develops quickly, often flowering six to eight weeks after germination. In the Pacific Northwest we see it most commonly as a winter annual (Fig 1). After flowering and setting seed these annual types die typically from drought and leave dormant viable seed behind to germinate when moisture again becomes available. This efficiency in seed production makes annual bluegrass a major component of the seed bank of cultivated soils.