
2008 Annual Bluegrass Fertility Trial

2008 Annual Bluegrass Fertility Trial

NTA Final Report June 9, 2009


By using balanced NPK + micros applied at a low rate (3.25 lbs N/1,000 sq ft/yr) or a high rate (6.5 lbs N/1,000 sq ft/yr), we are trying to determine if total annual NPK with or without added calcium, sulfur, or humates has any measurable impact on putting green turf quality, Microdochium patch disease, anthracnose disease, and/or turf species composition.

Annual Bluegrass Fertility Trial 2006-2008


The information presented below is in the form of a progress report and all data are considered preliminary.


Using balanced NPK + micros applied at a low rate (3.25 lbs N/1000 sq ft/ yr) or a high rate (6.5 lbs N/1000 sq ft/yr), we are trying to determine if total annual NPK with or without added Ca, S, or humates has any measurable impact on turf quality, Microdochium patch disease, Anthracnose disease, and/or turf species composition.


Fertilizing Lawns

Fertilizing Lawns

Explains how to optimize a fertilization program for a home lawn. Discusses how to select and use fertilizers, the roles of various elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, pH, calcium, magnesium, and iron) in lawn fertilization, and the value of soil tests for each element. Provides sample calendars of necessary and optimal times for fertilizer applications for western, central, and eastern Oregon.