Welcome to CBARC

With facilities in Pendleton and Moro, CBARC (Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center) is a branch of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences. The Pendleton Station is co-located with the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, a unit of the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.


Who we are:

The Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, with facilities in Pendleton and Moro, is a branch of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station at OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences. The Pendleton Station is co-located with the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, a unit of the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.

Field research at both Pendleton and Moro emphasizes the production of wheat and rotational crops such as barley, legumes, and canola. Scientists at the Columbia Basin Center specialize in research and extension work important to the production of field crops on 2 million acres in north-central and northeastern Oregon. Wheat and barley in this region generate more than $300 million annually. 


The mission of the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center is to conduct research and extend knowledge to enhance agricultural production on non-irrigated croplands while protecting the environment and sustaining rural communities in Oregon and beyond.   We combine our individual talents and work cooperatively to achieve excellence in all our activities.  We respond to the needs of the people we serve.


CBARC Strategic Plan 2024-2031

While we are proud of CBARC’s rich history of research, instruction, and extension – it is essential to plot the future of our programs to continue serving the needs of Oregon’s stakeholders. New technology, production constraints, climate change, and other issues make it more important than ever to be deliberate about our future. View and download our strategic plan below.

   Strategic Plan




Pendleton Station

48037 Tubbs Ranch Road
Adams, Oregon 97810

541-278-4186-voice, 541-278-4188-fax

Directions: See map

The Pendleton Station is headquarters for 10 OSU and USDA scientists representing 8 disciplines. The Pendleton station is located on 160 acres of land northeast of Pendleton; an additional 35 acres of rented land is used for direct-seed research.  The station is equipped with modern laboratories specializing in plant morphology, pathology, and breeding; soil chemistry, physics, and microbiology; computer modeling of plant growth; weed science; hydrology; and agricultural equipment design. Other special features include plant-growth and controlled atmosphere environmental chambers, soil and plant processing and analytical equipment, weather station, carpentry, welding, machine shops, and housing for visitors.

Make a donation to the
Pendleton Station Endowment Fund

Sherman Station

66365 Lone Rock Road
Moro, Oregon 97039

Directions: See map

The Sherman Station is located on 230 acres of land near Moro and serves the field research needs of scientists from the OSU campus in Corvallis and the Pendleton Station.  The onsite staff has a shop, office, weather station, and a full complement of farm equipment.   Current research involves: variety development; soil fertility practices for cereal crops as well as legumes, canola, mustard and other crops; weed management; disease and nematode management; and use of soil conservation practices including direct seeding.

Make a donation to the
Sherman Station Endowment Fund


Help the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center Build into the Future

With facilities in Pendleton and Moro, the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARC)  is a branch of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station serving the wheat growers of the Pacific Northwest. Our research is providing invaluable data resources to inform grower decisions about how to grow wheat profitably while ensuring environmental quality and soil health.

CBARC is in need of building improvements, additional lab space and additional on-site housing. We invite you to partner with OSU and stakeholders to help us realize these important and much needed projects. Your contribution to this research facility will be an investment in the increasing prominence of Oregon State University as a critically important research institution for the betterment of food security, climate change mitigation and environmental quality in the USA.


When you invest in building upgrades at CBARC, you are investing in research and quality assurance of the most important crop worldwide right here in Oregon. This is a great opportunity to allow CBARC to modernize and grow, which will enhance its capacity to serve the farming community and the wheat industry. Your investment will help the wheat research and farming communities now and for years for come, making a better future for Oregon.

Stakeholders and donors have provided more than $1 million toward our $2.4 million goal. Help us cross the finish line by making a gift today.

For more information, please contact:

Francisco Calderon, Director
Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center
Ph: 541-278-4186
[email protected]

Jack Holpuch, Director of Development
OSU Foundation
Ph: 541-737-9636
[email protected]