Judit Barroso, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Weed Science
Oregon State University
[email protected]
Office: 541‐215‐8967
Cell: 406‐595‐7728
Located at the Pendleton Station
Judit Barroso grew up in Madrid, Spain, but spent her summers in a small town where her family owns some land in the rolling Spanish countryside. She is an Agronomist Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid with a PhD in Weed Science. Her doctoral thesis titled “Site-specific management of wild oat populations present in cereal crops in central Spain” received the extraordinary award of doctorate in 2006. Her interests in precision agriculture brought her to Montana State University in 2010 where she worked with several growers to optimize herbicide treatments in cereal crops. At the end of 2014, she moved to CBARC-OSU, where she continued studies on site-specific weed management but initiated other research lines as well. She is the past chair of the research program for the Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS) and has been the eastside director of the Oregon Society of Weed Science (OSWS) for several years.
Dr. Barroso’s program focus on weed management issues of critical importance in dryland cropping systems, with the intent to foster adoption of best practices leading to effective weed control, while preserving the environment and maintaining or improving crop yields.
Current main research lines:
- Integrated and cooperative Russian thistle management.
- Effect of cover crops and alternative crops on weed dynamics.
- Efficacy of harvest weed seed control in the PNW.
- Herbicide resistance in grass weeds and solutions (IWM, CoAXium wheat, occasional tillage).
- Collaboration with the industry to improve chemical weed control.
Journal Articles (Last 5 years):
- Oreja F, Lyon D, Gourlie J, Wetzel H, and Barroso J. 2023. Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) postharvest control and plant dispersion. Weed Technology (Accepted August 17, 2023 – In press).
- Ribeiro VHV, Barroso J, Brunharo CACG, and Mallory-Smith C. 2023. Herbicide resistance in Bromus spp.: a global review. Weed Science (Accepted July 22, 2023 – In press).
- Ribeiro VHV, Brunharo CACG, Mallory-Smith C, Walenta DL, and Barroso J. 2023. First report of target-site resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in Bromus tectorum L. Pest Management Science (early access) DOI:10.1002/ps.7607
- Long D, Barroso J, Painter K, Reardon C, and Williams J. 2022. Economic returns from three-year crop rotations under low precipitation in Pacific Northwest. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5, 1-12. (DOI: 10.1002/agg2.20251).
- Genna NG, Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. 2021. Herbicide efficacy of spot spraying systems in fallow and postharvest in the Pacific Northwest dryland wheat production region. Plants-Basel, 10 (12). Article number 2725. (https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10122725). https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/10/12/2725
- Barroso J, San Martin C, McCallum JD, and Long DS. 2021. Economic and management value of weed maps at harvest in semi-arid cropping systems of the US Pacific Northwest. Precision Agriculture, 22(6), 1936–1951. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119...
- Barroso J and Genna NG. 2021. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on Russian-thistle (Salsola tragus) in spring barley and spring wheat. Plants-Basel, 10(1). Article number 126. (https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10010126).
- Wuest SB, Genna NG, and Barroso J. 2021. Is volunteer wheat an economic weed in annual winter wheat production? Agronomy journal, 113 (2), 1724-1732. (doi: 10.1002/agj2.20591).
- Lyon D, Barroso J, Thorne M, Gourlie JA, and Lutcher L. 2021. Russian thistle (Salsola tragus L.) control with soil-active herbicides in no-till fallow. Weed Technology, 35(4), 547-553. (doi: 10.1017/wet.2020.143)
- San Martin C, Lyon DJ, Gourlie JA, Thorne M, and Barroso J. 2021. Seed retention of grass weeds at wheat harvest in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Science, 69(2), 238–246. https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.20...
- Fernandez-Quintanilla C and Barroso J. 2020. Impact of climate change on weed management. Itea-Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, 116(5), 396–404. https://doi.org/10.12706/itea....
- Reardon K, Wuest S, Melle C, Klein A, Williams J, McCallum J, Barroso J and Long D. 2019. Soil microbial and chemical properties of a minimum and conventionally tilled wheat fallow system. Soil Science Society of American Journal, 83(4), 1100–1110. https://doi.org/doi:10.2136/ss...
- San Martin C, Long D, Gourlie J, and Barroso J. 2019. Spring crops in three-year rotations reduce weed pressure in winter wheat. Field Crops Research, 233, 12–20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.....
- San Martin C, Gourlie J, and Barroso J. 2019. Control of volunteer giant reed (Arundo donax). Invasive Plant Science and Management, 12, 43–50. https://doi.org/10.1017/inp.20...
- San Martin C, Long D, Gourlie J, and Barroso J. 2018. Weed responses to fallow management in Pacific Northwest dryland cropping systems. Plos One, 13(9), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journa....
- San Martin C, Lyon D, Wetzel H, Gourlie J, and Barroso J. 2018. Weed control with bicyclopyrone + bromoxynil in wheat. Crop, Forage & Turf Management, 4(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.2134/cftm20...
- Barroso J, Gourlie JA, Lutcher LK, Mingyang L, and Mallory-Smith CA. 2018. Identification of glyphosate resistance in Salsola tragus in Northeastern Oregon. Pest Management Science, 74(5), 1089–1093. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.452...
Conference Proceedings (Last 5 Years)
- Ribeiro VH, Brunharo CA, Mallory-Smith C, and Barroso J. Herbicide Resistance in Downy Brome from Winter Wheat Fields in Eastern Oregon. Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS) Annual Meeting. Boise ID. March 2023.
- Oreja FH, Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. Impact of Wheat Stubble Height on Russian Thistle Dispersion. Proceedings of WSWS Annual Meeting. Boise ID. March 2023.
- Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. Study of Alternative Herbicides to Glyphosate in Fallow-Based Cropping Systems. Proceedings of WSWS Annual Meeting. Boise ID. March 2023.
- Oreja FH, Lyon DJ, Gourlie JA, Wetzel HC, and Barroso J. Postharvest control of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) in spring wheat stubble. Proceedings of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA. January 2023.
- Ribeiro VH, Brunharo CA, Mallory-Smith C, Walenta D, Barroso J. Molecular Basis for Resistance to ACCase-inhibiting Herbicides in Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) Populations. Proceedings of the WSSA Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA. January 2023.
- Shergill L, Barroso J, Lyon DJ, Burke IC, Westra EP, and Gaines T. Current Status of Harvest Weed Seed Control Research in the Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest Region of the United States. Proceedings of the WSSA Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA. January 2023.
- Lyon DJ, Burke IC, Barroso J, and Campbell J. Managing Herbicide-Resistant Annual Grass Weeds in Dryland Wheat Production Systems of the PNW. Proceeding of the 2022 ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. November, 2022.
- Barroso J, Gourlie JA, Ribeiro VH, and Shelton C. Control of downy brome and feral rye with aggressor (quizalofop-p-ethyl) in CoAXium Wheat. Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS) Annual Meeting. Newport Beach, CA. March 2022.
- Singh S, Hagerty CH, Reardon CL, Machado S, Gourlie JA, Pritchett LC, Kriete LR, Harrison KC, Umbarger SK, Barroso J. Weed suppression using cover and alternative crops in dryland wheat-fallow systems of eastern Oregon. Proceedings of the Spanish Society of Weed Science (SEMh) Bi-Annual Meeting. April 2022. Merida, Spain.
- Dorado J, Barroso J, Peña JM, Martín JM, Campos D, Guerra JG, Fernández-Quintanilla C. Long-term study of weed populations under different cropping systems. Proceedings of the (SEMh) Bi-Annual Meeting. April 2022. Merida, Spain.
- Ribeiro VH, Walenta D, Barroso J, and Mallory-Smith CA. Herbicide resistance in downy brome from fescue fields in Oregon. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting. Newport Beach, CA. March 2022.
- Genna N and Barroso J. 2021. Precision vs. Uniform spraying for broadleaf weed control. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting. Virtual. March, 2021.
- Genna N and Barroso J. 2021. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) in spring barley and spring. Proceedings of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) Annual Meeting. Virtual. February, 2021.
- Barroso J, San Martín C, Gourlie JA, Wuest SW, Thorne M, Roerig K, and Hulting A. 2020. Harvest Weed Seed Control in Wheat Production Systems of the PNW. Proceedings of the WSSA and WSWS Annual Meeting. Lahaina, Hawaii. March, 2020.
- Barroso J, San Martín C, McCallum JD, and Long DS. 2020. Value of weed maps at harvest in wheat cropping systems of the PNW. Proceedings of the WSSA/WSWS Annual Meeting. Lahaina, Hawaii. March, 2020.
- Barroso J. and Wuest SW. 2019. Is volunteer wheat a serious weed in annual winter wheat production?. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting, 31. Denver, CO. March 2019.
- Barroso J. 2019. Resistance to group II herbicides in downy brome. Proceedings of the PNDSA Annual Meeting - Cropping Systems Conference, 16. Three Rivers Convention Center, Kennewick, WA. January 2019.
- Lyon DJ, Barroso J, and Lutcher LK. 2019. Glyphosate-resistant Russian-thistle control in no-till fallow. Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA)- Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) – and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas. November 2019.
- Barroso J, San Martín C, Thorne M, and Lyon DJ. 2018. Seed retention of major weed species at harvest in the PNW. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting, 69-70. Garden Grove, CA. March 2018.
- San Martín C, Long DS, Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. 2018. Effect of fallow management on weed infestation. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting, 70. Garden Grove, CA. March 2018.
- San Martín C, Long DS, Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. 2018. Effect of intensified wheat-based cropping systems on weed infestation. Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting, 19. Garden Grove, CA. March 2018.
Extension Publications:
- Adjesiwor A, Lyon D, Campbell J, & Barroso J. (2021). Integrated Management of Wild Oat in the Pacific Northwest. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 759. PNW Extension Articles.
- Lyon D & Barroso J. (2021). Update of the Integrated Management of Jointed Goatgrass in the Pacific Northwest. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal. PNW Extension Articles. https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu...
- Lyon D, Hulting A, Barroso J, & Campbell J. (2020). Integrated Management of Downy Brome in Winter Wheat. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 668 (p. 6). PNW Extension Articles. https://catalog.extension.oreg...
- Lyon D, Hulting A, Barroso J, & Campbell J. (2020). Integrated Management of Feral Rye in Winter Wheat. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 660 (p. 13). PNW Extension Articles. https://catalog.extension.oreg...
- Lyon D, Barroso J, Campbell J, & Finkelnburg D. (2020). Best Management Practices for Managing Herbicide Resistance. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 754. PNW Extension Articles. https://catalog.extension.oreg...
- Lyon D, Walsh MJ, Barroso J, Campbell J, & Hulting A. (2019). Harvest Weed Seed Control: Applications for PNW Wheat Production Systems. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 730 (p. 12). PNW Extension Articles. https://catalog.extension.oreg...
- Barroso J, Lyon D, & Prather T. (2019). Russian thistle management in wheat-fallow rotations. In Pacific Northwest Extension Journal: Vol. 492 (p. 10). PNW Extension Articles. https://catalog.extension.oreg...
- Oreja F, Barroso J, and Gourlie J. 2023. Effect of stubble height and plant size on Russian thistle dispersion. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, [R1] X. June 2023.
- Oreja F, Barroso J, and Gourlie J. 2023. Postharvest control of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus). Dryland Field Day Abstracts, X. June 2023.
- Ribeiro V, Barroso J, and Mallory-Smith C. 2023. Resistance to Group 2 Herbicides in Downy Brome Populations from Wheat Fields. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, X. June 2023.
- Singh S, Barroso J, Calderon FJ, Gourlie JA, Graebner RC, Harrison KC, Hunt KC, Klarer ER, Kriete LR, Machado S, McGee RJ, Pritchett LC, Reardon CL, Umbarguer SK, Wood DI, and Hagerty CH. Weed and Soil Moisture Dynamics Under Cover and Alternative Crops in Dryland Wheat Systems: Insights from One Year of Resilient Dryland Farming Alliance. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 53-56. June 2022. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/16133951/FDA-2022-color-full.pdf
- Barroso J and Wuest SW. Understanding Weed Competition Below Ground. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 58. June 2022. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/16133951/FDA-2022-color-full.pdf
- Barroso J and Gourlie JA. Weed Control with Alternative Herbicides to Glyphosate in wheat Cropping Systems. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 54. June 2022. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/16133951/FDA-2022-color-full.pdf
- Barroso J, Lyon DJ, Thorne ME, and Lutcher LK. Russian Thistle Control with Soil-Active Herbicides in No-Till Fallow. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 16. June 2021. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/0... FDA-2021.pdf
- Genna NG, Gourlie JA, and Barroso J. 2021. Precision vs. uniform spraying to control broadleaf weeds in fallow and post-harvest. 2021. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 18. June 2021. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/0... FDA-2021.pdf
- Singh S, Barroso J, Calderon F, Machado S, Reardon C, and Hagerty CH. Designing cover and alternative crops for dryland cropping systems in eastern Oregon. OSU Extension Service. July 2021. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/crop-production/field-crops/designing-cover-alternative-crops-dryland-cropping-systems-eastern
- Genna NG and Barroso J. 2020. Effect of cultural management on Russian thistle suppression. 2020 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 42. June 2020. http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/15144922/FDA-2020.pdf
- Barroso J. 2019. Resistance to group II herbicides in downy brome. 2019 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 58. June 2019. http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/19114614/FDA-2019-Complete.pdf
- Wuest SW and Barroso J. 2019. Is volunteer wheat a problem in re-crop winter wheat?. 2019 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 40. June 2019. http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/19114614/FDA-2019-Complete.pdf
- Barroso J and San Martín C. 2018. Seed retention of major grass weed species at harvest in the PNW. 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 70. June 2018. http://css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FDA-2018-complete.pdf
- San Martín C, Long DS, and Barroso J. 2018. Fallow management determines the influence of grassy weeds in dryland wheat. 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 64. June 2018. http://css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FDA-2018-complete.pdf
- San Martín C, Long DS, and Barroso J. 2018. Cropping system intensification reduces weed pressure in dryland wheat. 2018 Dryland Field Day Abstracts, 67. June 2018. http://css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FDA-2018-complete.pdf
Magazines (Last 5 years):
- Barroso J. 2023. Pacific Northwest Herbicide Resistance Initiative: A regional effort to tackle a growing problem. Oregon Wheat Magazine, 13-15. February 2023.
- Barroso J and Hulting A. 2022. Weed control with alternative herbicides to glyphosate in wheat cropping systems. Oregon Wheat Magazine, 15-16. February 2022.
- Barroso J and Genna NG. 2021. Recent learnings of Russian thistle management. AgriTimes Newspaper, 3. April 2021.
- Barroso J, Hulting A, and Brunharo C. 2021. Oregon wheat statewide weed management research and extension. Oregon Wheat Magazine, 13-15. February 2021.
- Burke I, Barroso J, and Campbell J. 2020. Managing herbicide-resistant weeds in the PNW. Oregon Wheat Magazine, 8. April 2020.
- Barroso J. 2019. Control of glyphosate-resistant Russian thistle in no-till fallow. Oregon Wheat Magazine, 14-15. December 2019.
- San Martín C, Lyon DJ, Gourlie JA, Wetzel HC, and Barroso J. 2019. Weed control with bicyclopyrone + bromoxynil (Talinor™) in wheat. Crops and Soils Magazine 52 (1), 42-47. (0.5 CEUs for Certified Crop Advisers). doi:10.2134/cftm2018.02.0011. http://css.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FDA-2018-complete.pdf
Digital Media (Last 5 Years):
- Barroso J. 2023. When do winter annual grass weeds germinate? Weeders of the West Blog. July 6, 2023. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2023/07/06/when-do-winter-annual-grass-weeds-germinate/
- Oreja F and Barroso J. 2023. Russian-thistle dispersion and the effect of plant size and stubble height. Weeders of the West Blog. March 2, 2023. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2023/03/02/russian-thistle-dispersion-and-the-effect-of-plant-size-and-stubble-height/
- Barroso, J. (Since 2016 – present). Update of several chapters (Chemical Weed Control in Canola, Chemical Weed Control in Chemical Fallow East of the Cascades, Chemical Weed Control in Spring Wheat, Chemical Weed Control in Barley) in the PNW Weed Management Handbook. https://pnwhandbooks.org/weed
- Barroso J. 2022. Insights of CoAXium Wheat and Aggressor. YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjXthA5npyY
- Barroso J and Ribeiro V. Distribution of ALS‐Resistant Downy Brome Populations in Eastern Oregon. Weeders of the West Blog. October 11, 2022. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2022/10/11/distribution-of-als%e2%80%90resistant-downy-brome-populations-in-eastern-oregon/
- Barroso J. 2022. Aggressor (quizalofop) Herbicide Application Timing. Weeders of the West Blog. June 23, 2022. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2022/06/23/aggressor-quizalofop-herbicide-application-timing/
- Barroso J and Wuest S.W. 2022. Understanding Weed Competition Below Ground. Weeders of the West Blog. January 27, 2022. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2022/01/27/understanding-weed-competition-below-ground/
- Barroso J. 2021. Insights into alternative herbicides to glyphosate. Weeders of the West Blog. September 2021. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2021/09/23/insights-into-alternative-herbicides-to-glyphosate/
- Barroso J. 2021. Precision vs. Uniform Spraying. Weeders of the West Blog. June 2021. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2021/06/02/precision-vs-uniform-spraying/
- Barroso J. 2021. Weed control with alternative herbicides to glyphosate in wheat cropping systems. YouTube video. May 24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTk_ss_vJsw
- Barroso J. 2021. Control of Rattail Fescue in No Till Farming. YouTube Video. April 20, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TynlJc8HFC8&t=1s
- Barroso J. 2021. A potential tool to control herbicide resistant weeds during harvest? Weeders of the West Blog. January 2021. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2021/01/13/a-potential-tool-to-control-herbicide-resistant-weeds-during-harvest/
- Barroso J. 2020. Have you thought about cooperative weed management? Weeders of the West Blog. July 2020. http://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/2020/07/02/have-you-thought-about-cooperative-weed-management/
- Genna NG and Barroso J. 2020. Russian thistle emergence research. YouTube Video. June 2020 .https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc/outreach/2020-field-day. https://www.youtube.com/embed/zmaNgrb1rEk.
- Barroso J. 2020. Management of resistant weeds. YouTube Video. June 2020.https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc/outreach/2020-field-day. https://www.youtube.com/embed/3-c2sqeUsVw
- Barroso J. 2020. Weed maps at harvest. YouTube Video. June 2020. https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc/outreach/2020-field-day. https://www.youtube.com/embed/dNVtoRZH49Q
- Barroso J. 2020. Who wants resistant weeds?. YouTube Video. June 2020. https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc/outreach/2020-field-day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-c2sqeUsVw
- Glenn Vaagen from the Washington Ag Network. Interview for the morning news about my article of the impacts of fallow management on weed management published in the Plos One Journal (open access). It was for the 610 KONA radio. October 10, 2018. https://soundcloud.com/user-295490949/judit-barroso-discusses-osu-fallow-weed-research.
Video Collection: