Series/Report Number: COARC2014
Abstract: Glyphosate tolerant creeping bentgrass (Agrostisstolonifera L.) accidentally escaped from production fields in 2003 and is now found growing along irrigation ditches in Jefferson County. During 2014 three research projects were conducted at the Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center (COARC) to evaluate herbicide control of plants of various size, potential new herbicide options and varied approaches to seed head suppression. Poast provided greater control than Finale whether plants were grown from 2-inch, 4-inch or 6-inch plugs, with the greatest efficacy on the smallest plants. When applied alone Accord provided 100 percent control, Topramezone provided 81 percent control and Sonar provided 63 percent control. The combination of Topramezone plus Sonar provided 94 percent control. Seed head suppression was best achieved with a propane flamer at either boot stage or flowering.