Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks

Weed Management Handbook:

This handbook is designed as a quick and ready reference for weed control practices and herbicides used in various cropping systems or sites in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Recommendations are based on research results from the Agricultural Experiment Stations and Extension Services of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. A few suggestions are included from research conducted in other states, and from U.S. Department of Agriculture research centers. In all cases, authors make every effort to list only registered herbicides, and to ensure that the information conforms to product labels and company recommendations. This handbook will be useful to Extension agents, company field representatives, commercial spray applicators and consultants, herbicide dealers, teachers, and producers.

Insect Management Handbook:

This handbook is intended as a tool for making decisions regarding the control and management of important insect pests in the Pacific Northwest. Originally, it was written for commercial growers, county extension agents, consultants, field and nursery staff, and chemical industry representatives. In recent years, sections have been added that are useful to Master Gardeners and homeowners. Most of the pest biology and biological control and cultural control recommendations are identical in COMMERCIAL and HOME settings, but we must emphasize that COMMERCIAL chemical control recommendations are to be used only by licensed pesticide applicators.

Plant Disease Management Handbook:

This handbook is intended as a ready reference guide to the control and management tactics for the more important plant diseases in the Pacific Northwest. Not all plant diseases that can occur in the Pacific Northwest are included in this book. The specific cultural, biological, and chemical recommendations are intended to manage a specific plant disease but may not always be appropriate under all circumstances. The selection of a specific management recommendation should be done by a qualified individual. It is best to always seek advice from county Extension agents, consultants, field and nursery people, and chemical industry representatives.