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Management of Verticillium Wilt Using Green Manure Biofumigants
Prevalence of Race 2 Strains of Verticillium dahliae Causing Verticillium Wilt of Mint in Oregon
Discrimination of Mint Strains of Verticillium dahliae Using High Resolution Melting Analysis
Evaluation of Biofumigation with Allyl Isothiocyanate to Reduce Verticillium Wilt in Mint
Evaluate Site-Specific Flaming for the Management of Verticillium Wilt in Peppermint
Further Evaluation of Biological Control Agents for Verticillium Wilt in Peppermint, 2011
Evaluation of Biological Control Agents for Verticillium Wilt in Peppermint
Evaluation of Fungicides to Control Verticillium Wilt in Mint
Fungicide Influence on Verticillium Wilt and Subsequent Rhizome Infection/Infestation by Verticillium Dahliae
Comparison of Verticillium Soil Detection Methods Using Genetically Transformed Green Fluorescing Isolates, 2001
Fungicide Screening for Control of Verticillium Wilt of Peppermint
Investigation on Strain Behavior of Verticillium Dahliae on Mint and Other Crops, 2000
Transformation of Mint Isolates of Verticillium Dahliae to Fluoresce Green
Investigation on Strain Behavior of Verticillium Dahliae on Mint and Other Crops, 1999
Verticillium Dahlme Pathogenicity Tests on Mint 1998-99
Verticillium Dahlue Soil Population Analysis From Peppermint Variety Trials in Central Oregon (1994-98) and the Willamette Valley (1995-99)
Continued Investigation on Strain Behavior of Verticillium Dahliae on Mint and Other Crops
Wilt Incidence and Soil Population of Verticillium Dahliae in Commercial Peppermint Fields, With and Without Propane Flaming
Mint Powdery Mildew Control, 1997
Variability in "Verticillium Dahliae" and the Verticillium "Strain" Issue: Activity of Mint and Non-Mint Isolates Inoculated into Peppermint and Spearmint
Do Varietal-Specific Isolates of Verticillium Dahliae Occur on Mint, and Do Microslerotia of Mint Isolates Form in Symptomless but Infected Stems of Mint and Non-Mint Plants?
Mint Powdery Mildew Control in Central Oregon
Peppermint Performance and Wilt Incidence, as Influenced by Selected Cultural Practices and Inoculum Density of Verticillium Dahliae [Year 6]
Peppermint Performance and Wilt Incidence, as Influenced by Selected Cultural Research Practices and Inoculum Density of Verticillium Dahliae
Survival of Verticillium Wilt in Peppermint Stems Following Propane Flaming at Various Ground Speeds, 1995
Peppermint Performance and Wilt Incidence, as Influenced by Selected Cultural Practices and Inoculum Density of Verticillium Dahliae [Year 4]
Survival of Verticillium Dahliae in Peppermint Stems as Affected by Propane Flaming at Various Ground Speeds
Effect of Inoculum Density and Consecutive Years of Propane Flaming or Tillage on Verticillium Wilt and Yield and Oil Composition of Peppermint