Farm Charges

A great deal of money and effort are expended each year to maintain fields in uniform condition suitable for research and to keep manpower, equipment, and supplies readily available for research projects. To help offset a portion of these costs, land and some of the services offered by the farm are provided on a fee basis. Fertilizers, fuel, chemicals, and other research supplies are also available at nominal cost. Farm rental policies and charges are outlined below.

Land Rental

Land on all farms is available for research on a first-come-first-served basis. The staff at Hyslop maintain records of crop history and current status for each field and will make every effort to find land to fit your requirements. You will find the farm staff very knowledgeable in practical research plot design. Advanced consultation and planning of your field research with them will help to avoid problems in later field operations. To avoid dividing the farm into tiny, unmanageable units, acquiring land in blocks of less than one acre is discouraged. Some small areas are available, however, and we will try to meet your needs. Although availability of land is normally not a problem, projects within the Department of Crop and Soil Science will receive preference. Large or unusual land requests generally require approval by the Farm Committee. Unless requested, land is supplied in plowed or fallow condition. Contact Kevin Robb for land requirements.

All fees for services at the Hyslop farm:

A quick review of the fees for each of the Corvallis Farm Unit Farms.