Christopher Bateman
Symphylan Control in Seed Crops
Holly Golightly
Exploration of Grower-Friendly Scouting Methods for Clover Seed Weevil Tyichius picirostris Fabricius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Maya Livni
Influence of commercial probiotic intervention on Apis Mellifera (honey bee) health and mortality
Mireia Roig-Paül
Python Functions to Develop Diagnostic Assays for SHERLOCK
Daniel Bacher
Regulation of the Pantoea agglomerans type III secretion system by plant-exuded sugars
Emma Slone
Improving tools for monitoring and predicting moth pests in vegetable and grass seed crops
Ryan Auld
Opportunities and Limitations in Achieving Real Time Observation of Soil Nitrate
Venecia Rollins
An investigations into microplastics, PCBs, & mercury bioaccumulation in Pacific Lamprey of the Columbia River Basin