Seth Arendell
Mason Bee cocoon imaging and the spread of the European Orchard Bee
Alessandra Bertucci
Historical streamflow reconstruction of the north Umpqua river using tree ring-widths
Devany Billings
Onset of reproductive capacity in unowned free-roaming cats
Neera Butani
The distribution of sex determining haplotypes at wild strawberry sites in Oregon
Anna De Amicis
Increasing casein expression using amino acid treatments
Lia Kane
Too hot to handle: impacts of increasing temepratures on Tiger Grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) early life development
Lik Rong Lim
Selective removal of undesirable Thiols in a laboratory setting
Julia Mycek and Roman Patchell
Public utility regulation in Oregon
Kyleah Rabe
The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach: preferences, pairings, and personalities
Matthew Williams
Effects of Bacterial Redox Stressors On The environmental stability of Influenza A
Birgitta Woods
Foliar endophytic fungi of Pseudotsuga menziesii