Continuing Researcher Support Program

Continuing Researcher Support Program

The Continuing Researcher Support Program provides funding assistance for faculty and undergraduate students who are seeking support for a semi-independent research project. The student applicant identifies a faculty member to work with and to develop a research/work proposal. Proposals for this support should include evidence of strong faculty/student collaboration, previous student research experience, and a research topic in line with the ongoing research of the faculty and in service to the university.

NOTE: Student applicants must already have undergraduate research (at least 2 terms)


  1. Student identifies College of Agricultural Sciences faculty member whose research program interests them.
  2. Student and faculty develop a research idea and collaboratively write a research proposal. The faculty must be listed on the proposal as Principal Investigator. The student is identified as the Co-investigator.
  3. Student and faculty submit research proposal to CAS Student Engagement Coordinator using online application form (see link in the gray bar further up this page). A signature form must be digitally signed and uploaded along with the proposal. The link to upload this signature form is available within online application.
  4. At the end of the application period, CAS Student Engagement Coordinator downloads all proposals and reviews them for eligibility. Incomplete proposals and proposals not following the guidelines will NOT be considered for funding.
  5. Proposals that meet guidelines are sent to the Agricultural Research Foundation (ARF) Committee for review and evaluation. This committee consists of the ARF Executive Director, ARF Board members, and a representative of the CAS Dean’s Office. 
  6. CAS Student Engagement Coordinator notifies student/faculty teams regardless of outcome and works with departments and HR to hire selected students onto projects.
  7. Selected students attend an onboarding orientation with CAS Student Engagement Coordinator prior to beginning research.
  8. Students and faculty conduct research, receiving periodic check-ins and workshop training from CAS Student Engagement Coordinator.
  9. Upon completion of project, students submit a written report and create and present a research poster at either the CAS Student Showcase in fall term or the Spring Poster Symposium in May. Students may be invited to present their poster at an ARF meeting.


  • Winter term: Interested students should meet with faculty and discuss research project ideas
  • April 11, 2025 @ 5pm PST: Joint Student/Faculty proposal due 
  • April 14-25, 2025: ARF committee review of proposals
  • April 28, 2025: Funding decisions announced
  • April 29-May 16, 2025: Required 1-on-1 student orientations with CAS Student Engagement Coordinator
  • After research experience: Create and present a research poster at either the CAS Student Showcase in fall term or the Spring Poster Symposium in May


The Agricultural Research Foundation (ARF) funds this program. 

  • There are two funding periods: academic year (fall, winter, and spring terms) and summer; however, the application cycle will be just once per year (in the spring). 
  • Students can receive funding for just summer term ($700), just academic year ($1000) or summer and academic year combined ($1700).
  • If awarded, faculty are required to match the program's funding to supplement the student’s salary. For instance, if the student receives funding for the summer term ($700), the faculty must contribute an additional $700 to support the student’s compensation.
  • Funds are used to support student salary, which is provided via an hourly wage based on hours worked. Unused funds must be returned at end of project cycle.


  • Full-time students who hold at least sophomore standing (45 college credits) are eligible to apply.
  • Students must have previous research experience (at least 2 terms) in order to apply.
  • Students can receive Continuing Researchers Support once for the summer and once for the school year. 
  • Faculty must be in the College of Agricultural Sciences or a partner program. New faculty, in their first two years at OSU, are encouraged to submit a proposal for funding and will be given preference.
  • Preference will be given to College of Agricultural Sciences students working with CAS faculty, however students outside of the College working with CAS faculty are also eligible to apply.

For questions and information, contact:

Rachel Jones, CAS Student Engagement Coordinator
Email [email protected]