Dave Ganskopp

Rangeland Scientist

U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS


Dr. Ganskopp is a Rangeland Scientist employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service at Burns, Oregon. He received his BS (1974) in Wildlife Management from West Virginia University and MS (1979) and PhD (1983) degrees in Rangeland Management from Oregon State University. He has been with the research group at the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center since 1982.

His current research is focused on two themes; 1) factors influencing livestock grazing behavior and distribution , and 2) prescription livestock grazing. Present studies on livestock grazing behavior are employing GPS collars to quantify beef cattle use of large pastures and their responses to management activities aimed at altering their spatial patterns of use. Prescription grazing projects are investigating the controlled use of beef cattle foraging to alter the character, forage composition, and/or forage quality of rangelands.

Published Research by Dr. Ganskopp:

Abundances of Co-planted Native Bunchgrasses and Crested Wheatgrass After 13 Years

GPS Error in Studies Addressing Animal Movements and Activities

Manipulations of Beef Cattle Distributions

Improving Forage for Wild Ungulates Using Livestock Grazing

Do Pasture-Scale Nutritional Patterns Affect Cattle Distribution on Rangelands?


For more information phone or email Dr. Ganskopp at:

(541) 573-8922 or David Ganskopp