Since the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Station is run cooperatively by Oregon State University and the USDA-Agricultural Research Service there are two separate but similar mission statements.
Oregon State University - Agricultural Experiment Station Mission
The mission of the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station is to conduct research and provide demonstrations in agriculture, biological, social, and environmental sciences that contribute to the economic, environmental, and social health of Oregon. It works with Oregonians to:
- ensure stable, productive agriculture through wise use of natural resources
- protect crops and domestic animals from insects, diseases, and other hazards
- improve efficiency of agricultural production
- develop new agricultural products and processes, protect consumers, and enhance quality of Oregon's food products
- promote community development, both urban and rural
- protect and improve the environment and quality of living
- assist developing countries in agriculture, promote trade, and alleviate world hunger.
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the research arm of the United States Department of Agriculture. ARS maintains the Range and Meadow Forage Management Research Unit at EOARC and shares resources with the OSU experiment station staff.
USDA-Agricultural Research Service Unit Mission
To develop agricultural and natural resource strategies that maintain or enhance intermountain forest and shrub steppe ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations.
Goals and Priorities
- Determine how biotic and abiotic factors interact to control productivity, water use, and carbon cycling on Great Basin rangeland and meadow ecosystems. This research will involve both the influence of climatic variables on plant growth and competitive interactions among plant species.
- Develop alternative grazing strategies that address economic and environmental constraints. Research must be integrated to cover the 12 month cycle necessary for cow/calf producers.
- Develop prescription grazing approaches to manipulate vegetation. Grazing at specified time periods and intensities will be tested as a means of controlling weedy species and influencing plant succession, thereby reducing the need for mechanical or chemical weed control.
- Schemes will be developed to integrate forage selection, forage quality and defoliation response to optimize forage vigor and maintain livestock performance.
- Work with livestock producers, action agencies, environmental interests, and the public-at-large to improve knowledge on natural resource issues. We will be active in conflict resolution and gathering scientific information when it is requested.