Weekly Beef Producer Email

Interested in receiving the Weekly Beef Producer Email?


Send your email and relevant contact info to [email protected] and ask to be added to the Weekly Beef Producer Email.

This email list is made up of beef producers, extension personnel, and industry contacts from primarily Oregon but also some from NV, WA, ID, and CA.  It is used to send out timely industry related information and information on upcoming educational programs that are relevant to land managers and beef producers in Oregon.  This list is not used to provide advertisement for industry products/services.  If you ever decide you want to be removed from the list let David Bohnert ([email protected]) know and he will remove you from the list.  In addition, this list is not shared with anyone and emails are always sent as a blind CC so that the recipients are not able to see any email addresses.  This email is normally sent out on Fridays.